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Is it wrong for loving you is it wrong for being true

Tell me darling tell me please is it wrong

Have I waited for so long has your love for me gone

Is it wrong is it wrong for loving you

Way down deep inside my heart you're the only love sweetheart

Yes the only true love I ever knew

But I ask myself inside no need telling myself lies

Is it wrong is it wrong for loving you


My desire to be friends with Draco Malfoy had moderately dispersed. I was no feminist but you have to draw a line at some point. Walking back into class every day for this bloody project was exhausting in itself. For the past three days, Malfoy had been bragging about how Daphne was most likely coming up with this extravagant way of saying she'd go with him.

In my opinion, if she really wanted to go with him, the girl would have said yes to him already. But it seemed she was holding it off.

If I'm being honest, I was a bit jealous of the Slytherin girl. Malfoy seemed nearly obsessed that she would go with him. I still hadn't been asked by anyone yet and the thought of a boy longing for me, out of all people, to go to the dance with him was exhilarating. It made me feel important for once.

Back home, half of my siblings just get pushed to the side because we are not 'good enough'. In reality, we are just bland. Liam is the real exciting and important one in my parents eyes. He's on the Quidditch team, his grades are perfect, he picks up girls, he's conventionally attractive enough to be bragged about. My parents have this perfect envision of a child and Liam fits it. Whether they know what he does behind their backs or not.

I waved Camilla goodbye whilst we both made it to our designated seats for the next week or two. I hesitated in my stance when I felt the tense air overwhelm me. Blaise wasn't talking to Malfoy; he was actually speaking to Ace in a low whisper. I slowly sat down with my books and glanced at the blonde boy. He wasn't boasting this time; instead, he had a glare on his face.

"What's up with him?" I asked, no one in particular. I wasn't really expecting a full answer because maybe he didn't want me to know. It seemed that Blaise was about to inform me but he grimaced instead.

"It's none of your fucking business," Malfoy grumbled, his arms folding tightly on top of the table.

"Daphne said no," Blaise piped up with a scoff. I was trying hard not to laugh and it was obvious Zabini was doing the same. Draco had been proudly rubbing it in our faces that he was going to go with Daphne Greengrass.

Since she said no, Draco had no date.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, trying my best to sound sincere. I was trying to be sympathetic because I didn't have a date either but if you look at it from our perspective, it is quite comical.

"What?" The Slytherin seethed. I could tell he saw right through me. Shit.

"I just think it's rather funny that she rejected you," I honestly replied. I was no liar. Mainly because I had never been good at it.

"That's big talk coming from someone who didn't even get asked?" He ridiculed, rolling his pale eyes. My lips pursed and my posture hunched. In the end, he was right. I was no better than he was, though. My lips parted to reply but Malfoy started speaking once again.

"At least I had a shot. You're so pathetic that you'll probably end up going with a bloody toad. 'Bout the only thing you could ever pull," he mocked. I was trying not to be affected by it because for the longest time I believed I could handle snide insults but these were different. From Liam, they didn't matter because he usually never meant them. From Keith, I knew he didn't know how to be the nicest towards others; he's still learning.

I chuckled anyway and nodded. They were kind of funny, no matter if they hurt deep down or not.

"Right, sorry. I forget that rejection is the biggest insult," I retaliated. I shouldn't have, but I did.

"I think you've lost the plot, you're just pug-ugly. That's why no one has asked you," he muttered sharply.

"Draco, stop," Blaise warned. I think my eyes were a pathway to my thoughts. I'd never been called ugly or crazy before. I looked shocked and maybe a tad hurt. I went silent, too.

Draco's respect for women was lower than I thought.

* * *

I wasn't sure what time it was at the moment but I had been studying in the common room for a while. Most of the work had been piled on to me. Maybe that's my fault, though; I like to take charge sometimes. I knew it was late for sure. Definitely passed curfew. Technically, I should be asleep right now but we were way behind and our project was due in a couple of days.

It was so quiet that the only thing I could hear was my breathing. I assumed my brain was done working because my mind started thinking about something else all of a sudden. I wished it was just the dance, but it was more than that.

I usually wasn't a negative thinker but it made me upset at the thought of me not going or being by myself if I did go. Was I being too pessimistic? Probably. Was I caring too much about this? Yes, I was.

I sighed and closed the book I was reading. How could I not be upset about this? I mean, here I was, withering in my own despair with my hands in my hair when I could just ask a boy myself.

But who?

I didn't know any boys that weren't my brothers. Well, I did but Blaise and Draco were off the table. It'd be awkward if I asked Dean again. Chalice, the Quidditch captain, was two years ahead of me so it might be like he was taking his younger sister.

I opened a different book due to me needing to get my mind off of this irrelevant 'problem'. I was being dramatic. I pulled the pages open to where I had slipped in a book mark. Although, whilst I was flipping through the book, I stopped

My thoughts went blank completely at the small piece of paper lodged in between the pages. I saw a glimpse of what it said but I needed to pull it all the way out in order to see it all. I didn't understand why I was so hesitant to actually grab the paper. Most likely because it was the unknown. And not the good kind.

I pulled on it to get it from the pages but I quickly shoved it back due to the sudden noise of the door clicking open.


It was slowly opening, oddly slow. As if the person was struggling to get the bloody door to gape open just a little. I didn't know why I was being so secretive about the paper. I still didn't know what was on it. What if it was bad?

I glanced back at the book to make sure I'd hidden it. When my eyes averted back to the door, my lips parted in absolute awe. My eyes had widened and I had frozen completely. The person had entered the room, closed the door behind them, and then looked up before actually realizing that I was staring at them.

It was a familiar head of curly syrup brown hair.





(Song at beginning: 'Is It Wrong' by Warner Mack)

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