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I realize the way your eyes deceived me

with tender looks that I mistook for love

So take away the flowers that you gave me

and send the kind that you remind me of

Paper roses paper roses

oh how real those roses seem to be

But they're only imitation

like your imitation love for me


"Why did we bring him along?" Liam muttered prior to rolling his eyes. Liam and Ace weren't exactly ones to bond very much ever since last year. They used to fight a lot about certain things. When I say they fought, I really mean Liam would yell in Ace's face whilst he stood there and just took it. I never understood why; I would never let Liam treat me like that. Although, I'd never have to worry about that due to Liam putting me before any of our other siblings.

"Liam." I warned, glancing over my shoulder to my twin trailing behind with his hands in his pockets. "It's his birthday, too. He's also your brother. Have some common decency, yeah?" I scolded Liam and nudged his arm to show that I wasn't messing around about this. I assume that Liam looks past Ace as a bystander. Something our parents do.

"Sorry, I forgot," he scoffed and slid his own hands into his pockets. "Not my fault he walks slow," the hufflepuff grumbled under his breath. Of course, I heard it.

"Come on, Ace! Speed up will ya? We are almost to the robe shop," I called out to my brother behind me. We were on the streets of Hogsmeade and the streets were filled with townspeople and students. I gazed at all the stores and noted that we'd have to come back for butterbeer later. I constantly forget that this might be Ace's first time coming here. He wasn't allowed to come with us in our third year because he never got the paper signed. He'd forgotten. At least, that's what he told people; I knew it was because of our parents 'pushing it off' or 'forgetting'.

I watched as Ace came from behind to my other side and gave a quaint smile. He had always been rather quiet so I usually expected a grin or a nod from him.

"Sorry," he whispered, whereas we made it to the doors of the shop.

"No worries, Ace. Let's just get us some clothes, shall we?" I chuckled and followed both my brothers into the store. It was amazing to look at; I hadn't been in here before. It appeared that a few students were here as well.

The walls were a dark and velvety purple with lights shining down near the seams of the ceiling. There was a mirror in the back that was quite big; multiple people could fit to see themselves at the same time. In the far corner was a hallway with a sign that read: Dressing Rooms. The stone floors were covered with an endless amount of shelves and clothing racks. Near the door in the front of the room was a register desk and a middle aged man ringing up a hufflepuff's purple dress.

"What do we do?" Ace murmured gazing at the large store.

"Just start looking," I shrugged, stepping forward to look for clothes. Ace and Liam had followed behind me till they had to turn to the men's section. I didn't even know where to start. There were so many clothes, dresses, and shoes. Usually my mother never lets us shop for our dress clothes. But since they didn't know of the dance, it was up to us. Well Ace, I'm sure we'd all be turning to him for advice. Ace had the most fashion sense and best style out of us all.

"We're going to try stuff on, right?" I called out to both of them from the other aisle. I pulled out a dress that seemed to be knee-short and sleeveless. I liked the way it looked but I couldn't decide. It was a very smooth and matte looking blue; as if gray was added to it. Fabric crossed the waist and the lower half just flowed nicely. I placed it over my arm and continued to look.

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