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It's nine o'clock on a Saturday

The regular crowd shuffles in

There's an old man sittin' next to me

Makin' love to his tonic and gin

He says, "Son can you play me a memory?

I'm not really sure how it goes

But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete

When I wore a younger man's clothes"


This chapter contains blood and discussion of abuse, please read with caution!

Draco had explained to me when we arrived that the three boys had snuck into Professor McGonagall's office to use the floo powder system. Now, we were waiting for Keith and Maddox to walk out of the fireplace. Who knows if Maddox will do what is right and try to get them both out of the situation? I wasn't sure because Maddox was unpredictable. I'd only known him for a little over 3 months and more than half of that time, I was cooped up in the Smedley Manor.

Green flames burst from the fireplace, followed by Maddox stumbling out. But, there was no Keith. I didn't have time to be mad because the moment he'd stepped from the stone fireplace, he fell to his knees.

"Fuck," He grumbled, his hand clutching his shoulder. I was shocked at his state; honestly, I felt a tinge of guilt pinch my gut. I stood behind the commotion, watching Draco kneel down beside his friend. Maddox pulled back his hand, it was covered in blood. He looked pale, too.

"What happened?" Draco asked quickly, removing his black jacket swiftly.

"Th-That bitch," Maddox began to say as he grimaced in obvious pain. "He casted some stupid spell- or hex. Fuck, I d-don't know."

"What spell?" Blaise said, keeping his arm around Ace. It appeared that Ace was tired, weak, and hardly able to stand up right.

Maddox still looked very distressed, yet still found the energy and patience to shoot Blaise a long glare.

"I don't fucking know. It was one I've never heard of. Sectum-Secterm," He paused and took a deep breath. "Something like that. I had mostly jumped out of the way but it still happened to- to get my shoulder," Maddox explained through gritted teeth and strained vocals.

Draco looked at Blaise for a moment, as if silently asking if he had a clue. The taller boy just shrugged helplessly. I had never heard of this spell and maybe there was a reason; it seemed very dangerous and damaging.

Malfoy started to wrap the jacket around Maddox's shoulder and torso, making it as secure and tight as it would allow. I still hadn't said anything because I was a bit horrified by all of this. Finally, I stepped forward and towered over the pair.

"Where is Keith?" I asked sternly, my eyebrows furrowing in concern.

"I'm bleeding out and that's what you're worried about. For fucks sake, Smedley. Get a grip," He spat, holding the jacket on his shoulder and using Draco's arm to help him come to a stance. Now, he was the one to stand over me. I didn't move, nonetheless and just crossed his arm.

"You were assigned to bring him back with you. I don't see him. Where is Keith?" My face settled into a scowl and my eyes went dark. I didn't give a fuck that Maddox was bleeding, at least not anymore. Maddox was at least safe now; Keith...was not.

"Oh for crying out loud. Your stupid father cut me with some random ass spell and he had your brother cornered. Did you see how tall he was? I ain't riskin' it," Maddox replied hastily, his voice raising a little.

"Now, Keith is alone in that shithole of a 'ouse with my terrible parents! We have worse things to worry about than that little papercut he gave you!" I raged. I felt guilty for not being able to save my brother. all my siblings were important to me; the fact that he was all alone, probably getting horribly hurt now was my fault. Liam was gone, so I had to step in as the protector!

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