October 20th

24 2 5

Well, if you told me you were drowning

I would not lend a hand

I've seen your face before my friend

But I don't know if you know who I am

Well, I was there and I saw what you did

I saw it with my own two eyes

So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been

It's all been a pack of lies


My heart sank to the floor and instantly I pulled away in horror. I fell backwards and my fingers dug into the damp ground of the forbidden forest. I was gasping as if trying to hold it together. I was trembling so much that I wanted to throw up. Not long after, I started sobbing almost immediately. It was uncontrollable and I couldn't breathe. I placed the back of my wrist against my mouth and stared at Liam, horrified.

"Wh-What is it?" Draco said, finally running over to me and kneeling down next to me. My tears filled eyes darted around his face. However, it was helpless because it was all blurry. I couldn't stop. Draco looked up wearily. "Come on Quinn let's go-" Draco started to say, placing a hand on my shoulder. I pushed him away because I didn't want to leave. I couldn't possibly.

"He's gone!" I cried out, snot and tears streaming down my face. I covered my mouth and climbed back to my brother on my knees. I bawled over his stomach and placed my forehead upon it. There was no way this was happening; it was all a vivid dream. It had to be.

It looked as if the air had been punched from Draco's gut and he went paler than usual.

"Wh-what?" Draco mumbled, going very pale. I choked on my own sobs as I leaned over Liam's limp body. My chest felt tight, as if the pain was squeezing the living daylights out of it. Draco placed his cold hand on my shoulder and I turned to face him. He looked distraught and shocked as he stared at my red, blotchy cheeks.

"The stupid thing it-" I gasped and my voice gave out, the words resisting from making their way out of my mouth. "It fucking killed him."

Draco immediately pulled me to him. I didn't resist his actions and just clung to his shoulders whilst crying into his chest. He held me tightly, allowing me to hold onto him with all I had. I could sense that he was staring at Liam. After minutes, I felt Malfoy pull his head back; I followed his actions and did the same.

"Quinn-" His voice was soft but uneasy at the same time. "We have to go," he continued solemnly. How on earth could we just leave?! I couldn't just let Liam stay out here.

"What?!" I said loudly. He blinked at me with sympathetic, pursed lips.

"The dementor will come back with more. We can't fend them all off," He explained, staying abnormally calm about this. I clutched the fabric of his robe neck-line tighter than I already was.

"We can't just leave Liam here!" I replied defensively.

"Yes. I know. But we have to tell someone about this. They'll come for him and we can deal with it later." The Slytherin stared at me sternly. In the end, I knew he was right but my rage and grief was overpowering.

"This is all your fault!" I yelled, pushing him away and wiping my eyes with the back of my wrist. It wasn't going to help but I thought I ought to try. His expression went flat and he just stared at the ground.

"Quinn.... I'm sorry, we have to. We can't stay out here. We have to meet Filch at the edge of the forest, either way. We can tell him that Liam is gone when we-"

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