If Properly Rengineered...

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April and Casey

"Casey! Casey! Where are you going?" April yelled, chasing after Casey who was walking away in a huff.

He turned around to look at her for a brief second before inhaling sharply and continuing to walk away.

"You're leaving?" She called out.

He finally turned around with an annoyed expression, stepping closer to April and making her take a step back, "If I can find my way out of here I am. You know, I was doing JUST FINE tracking Bebop and Rocksteady, and then YOU just T-Boned my existence! So now I'm going to find them, or I'm going to go down swinging!"

April stated at him in disbelief, "Casey..."

He rolled his eyes, "No! It's like they say, if you want to get work done, don't spend time at the Zoo!"

Casey suddenly stopped, staring at something in the exit sewer tunnel. April stared at him, and the back at the garbage truck as Casey fumbled for words.

"T-tartaruga brothers? Wait that's the-" Casey laughed in disbelief turning to face April, "That's the truck. It was them. WHO, are there guys?"

April focused her attention on him, staring Casey dead in the eyes, "These four, have done more for this city then you will ever know, or they will ever take credit for. So if YOU want to go down swinging, these guys hit harder than anybody else."

Casey laughed in shock, before turning back to look at the garbage truck. He finally sighed, turning back to April.

"Alright, I'll help. But I'm only coming in here when they need me."

April nodded in understanding, "Fair enough."

And than they started walking down the sewer tunnel, headed for who-knows-where. Together.



Leo was sharpening his katanas, siding the thin and deadly blade along a fresh block of whetstone.

He was almost entirely focused on it. The sound of the blade hitting the stone, the peaceful surrounding, the smell of freshly lit candles.

Almost focused that is.

He couldn't take his mind off of you.

An image of you kept flashing through his mind as he continued to sharpen his blades. Your beautiful body as he carried you to his room... your E/C eyes staring sleepily up at him as he laid you on his bed... your sleepy voice... your H/C locks sprawled out on his pillow...

SCRAPPPEEE! The last swipe went off of the whetstone, he had almost cut himself.

Leo stared down at his sword in shock, took a deep breath, and then continued.

You were distracting him. He should be focused, he was a ninja.

Luckily, Donnie ran in just at that moment to distract Leo from his thoughts, "Oh, MY GOD! Oh, MY GOD! Leo, Leo! LEO! LEO! LEO! LEO!"

Leo stared up at his brother, continuing to sharpen his blade. Somehow Donnie's talking wasn't distracting him, but you were. And you weren't even in the room. It wasn't fair to him.

"Fearless Together..." (TMNT: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now