~ Perceived ~

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Kiva's POV

The luke warm water was soaking my whole body under the shower, while my mind was roaming somewhere else. The thought of him being unimaginably close to me was not slipping out of my stupid brain. That close proximity gave me a quick trailer of the veins on his muscular neck and the mole on it was like a cherry on the cake. I know he's my boss and I shouldn't be having inappropriate thoughts about him. But the truth is no matter how hard I tried not to think about that moment, it came back to me and hit me in the head like a Frisbee. I know he didn't do it on purpose cause I wasn't uncomfortable but nervous around him. He must have felt awkward, I saw how he moved back to his seat. I had to fake a conversation in order to fill in the awkward silence. I don't think he paid attention but he was so close that I had to suck a breath at the brief thought of loosing my first kiss to him!

Stupid. Stupid Kiva. Stop thinking stupid stuff. He is your boss and I saw the number of female fan following he has when I stalked him on Instagram and Twitter. Why would he even kiss a pumpkin like you, when he has Models, Actresses and famous female Kpop idols fangirling over him. I am too simple for someone like him.

I heaved a long sigh and noticed how much I have been thinking about him nowadays. He seemed familiar from the beginning, I think I have met him before, but where? I think I should stop before my brain gets exhausted because of overthinking and I get late for office.

But his doe eyes though...


After completing my morning routine I went down stairs. Papa was on the phone at the dinning table. I sat beside him to have breakfast while it's being served. I asked who he was talking to as soon as he disconnected the call.

Mr. Park :"It was your cousin, he's coming back from Germany next weekend." He informed me about the arrival of my older cousin brother. He's still in Germany busy with the new automobile project. I didn't get to talk to him since I came back from Paris. 

Kiva: "Papa, did you tell him about my new job?" I asked him as he shook his head in denial. My dear cousin will not be happy with the idea of my resignation but my new job might impress him for sure. "Good thing, I will tell him myself when he comes back, I need to settle the score with him for not telling me about Germany." I say rolling my eyes on the thinking about my annoying big brother.

Mr. Park :"That's between you and him, Muffin. I'll let you two settle it", He says and goes back to reading his business news but his question made me stop eating, "Who dropped you home few days ago?" he asked while taking a sip of his coffee. I think he saw Mr. jeon dropping me home the other evening.

Kiva: "Oh, It was Mr. Jeon. Because of the heavy rain he offered to drive me home", he nodded without giving me any reaction. For a moment I thought he wasn't happy with idea of me coming home with Mr. Jeon. But he revealed something that was a surprise news to me.

Mr. Park :"Muffin, I think you should know that Jeon's are our business partners and your cousin is a close friend of Jungkook." he said making my eyes go wide cause I didn't see that coming. "And as much as I know you, you haven't really mentioned anything at work about your family background?", I nodded being all speechless. Not only they're business partners but also friends. Even Papa is on first name basis with him.

Kiva: "But Papa I am not hiding anything on purpose, I just never got the chance to tell anyone," I reasoned and he sighed in return. Now that I look back, Mr. Jeon didn't really ask about family background while interviewing me. May be he knows!!

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