~ Elfin-1~

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Kiva's POV

The ocean was buzzing with its dormant strength as we passed by. Driving through the road beside the briny water bed, I could see from afar the waves crawling to the shore gently drenching the sand and returning to their origin. The Weather is sunny and pleasant, with no clouds in the sky. This is by far one of the most glorious mornings of my entire life.

Except for the fact that I embarrassed myself a while ago in front of my hot-as-hell boss, who looks ten times more handsome while driving. I clearly remember getting drunk after two glasses of wine, but how? It isn't like I have never had wine before. Well, I guess there's a first time for everything. Let alone getting drunk, I even passed out and woke up with no memory of last night in Mr. Jeon's penthouse apartment.


I swallowed the taste trying to moist my dry throat in a daze. A weird taste lingered on my tongue. Weird but good, Something like Belgian chocolate, vanilla and...Merlot!

I furrowed closed-eyed, unable to open and glued shut together. Major pain shot through my cerebral nerves. I feel drowsy and dehydrated. My body feels as stiff as if it's tightly pressed against something hard and huge, and something heavy encircled on my waste. I tried to forcefully open my eyes and had trouble keeping them open. I blinked multiple times to get rid of the blurred vision. Tilting my head up, my droopy eyes half opened to have a sharp jawline in view.

"Mr. Jeon", I whispered in slurry words which were a sign of my still intoxicated state. He squinted his eyes and tilted his face down to look at me. The eye contact lasted for a few seconds and his sleepy rasp blessed my ears.

"Sleep some more."

He pulled me more towards him and I closed my eyes and clung to his waist to snuggle into his warmth like a koala. I felt him kissing the crown of my head before I dozed off into deep slumber mumbling,
'I must be dreaming.'

Still in flashback:

My head throbbed with pain. It feels like the soft surface I'm laid on is not letting me up. I scrunched my whole face with irritation at not being to open my eye. Hands-on either side of my body as I put pressure on them trying to make myself sit up. My entire body feels exhausted, I almost feel like puking my liver out. What just happened? Am I dying or something?

Once I managed to open my eyes properly bringing myself back to earth. Looking around I spotted a glass of water on the side table and chugged it at once. As soon as I finished, I realized I have been rolling over my sleepy butt on an unknown bed, the room is not mine either and I am wearing a hoody above my dress, agreeably oversized and not mine, which made me choke on the last gulp of water. I remembered going out for dinner with my colleagues last night and getting tipsy on wine but what happened after that? Whose place is this? How did I end up here?

The turmoil of questions in my head halted when the door knob clicked and the door opened to someone unexpected. His mane-like wavy locks were well-styled behind his ears, except for one thick strand on his forehead. Looking all set for the day in a black turtle neck and formal black pants, his coat hanging on his arm.

Alright. I swoon.

I immediately jumped off the bed and stood straight. He stopped at a distance and stared at me with a gentle expression on his face or maybe it was his 'Kiva, you are fired' expression!

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