Chore Wars

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"Ugh. Okay. Toilet's clean. Bathtub's clean, sink is clean. And may I just say, you people are disgusting." Leo says to Tasha as he walks into the kitchen.

"Here is your chore money," Tasha says, handing Leo some money.

"Sweet! I have enough money to see the new Pig Zombie movie and get a t-shirt." Leo says. "Pig Zombie: Cruise Ship Massacre in 3-D. Hungry hogs on the high seas."

"Leo, I don't want you wasting your brain, your money or your time on that trash. You are not going to see Pig Zombies. End of discussion" Tasha says. She picks up a book and heads to the couch.

"Well, but..."


"Can I..."


"Glad to see we were able to talk this out," Leo says. Adam, Bree, Chase, and I walk into the living room.

"Leo, I know you want to be a superhero, but that's the worst costume ever." Adam laughs, seeing Leo wearing a pair of goggles and gloves.

"I was cleaning the bathroom," Leo says. "So I could get some money to see my favorite movie. But someone who shall remain nameless..." Leo looks over at Tasha, who waves from the couch. "Won't let me go."

"Wait a minute. You get paid money just for cleaning stuff?" Chase asks.

"Oh, yeah. Most kids have chores. You clean things around the house, and then you get an allowance from your parents." Tasha says.

"I want chores!" Bree says.

"I want money!" Chase says.

"Oh, I want a big furry hat so I can wear it to scare animals," Adam says.

"I have always wanted my own art studio!" I say.

"You guys can finish my chores. There's no reason for me to have money since Miss Bank Manager put a freeze on my fun account." Leo says. He walks out of the living room.

"So where should we start?" Bree asks Tasha.

"Just look around the house and see what needs to be cleaned," Tasha says. She gets up from the couch and leaves the living room.

"I got this," Adam says. He walks over to the couch and uses his super strength to pick it up. He shakes the couch a little, and some money and paper fall out. "Oh! That's where I left my lucky floss!" Adam grabs the floss and puts the couch down.

"If you use that, I will hurl," Chase says.

"And then I will clean up that hurl. Ka-ching!" Adam says, using the floss. We run around the living room and quickly clean it.

"Perfect! You could eat off of this floor." Bree says once we were done cleaning.

"Could, can, and will," I say.

Tasha walks back into the living room and looks around in awe. "Wow. You guys just did a day's worth of chores in three minutes. You know, if this whole mission thing doesn't work out, I can buy a minivan, and we can open up a cleaning service. Here you go." Tasha hands the four of us some money.

"Oh, mama just got a new pair of shoes," Bree says.

"I am now worth seven dollars," Chase says.

"Art studio here I come!" I say.

"I wish I knew how to count," Adam says.

"Just make sure you all spend your money responsibly," Tasha says.

Minutes later, Adam is opening up a box on the couch. "Oh! Hey, guys. I got my new spray-on jeans!" He takes out a spray can and walks up to us in his underwear. He sprays a new pair of jeans with his spray can.

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