Concert in a Can

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At school, Adam, Chase, Kyle, and I were watching a kid play an electric guitar. "Oh, sweet!" Adam says when the kid was done. "Look at your fingers go! It's like each one has a little brain of its own."

"Thanks. You know, you guys are the only people who have talked to me at this school. I hate being the new kid." The kid with the guitar says.

"Yeah, we used to be the new kids that no one talked to. Now we're just the vaguely familiar kids that no one talks to." Chase says.

Leo walks up to us. "Hey, peeps. What's the deal-io?"

"Hi, I'm Marcus." The kid with the guitar says, holding his hand out to shake Leo's hand.

"I know. We have gym together. And study hall. And also chemistry. We're lab partners." Leo says.

"Oh. I...did not know that." Marcus says.

"Chase, you ever play guitar?" Marcus asks.

"No, but I've always wanted to," Chase says.

"Well, I'm a jammer as well," Leo says. "My rocking is only eclipsed by my rolling."

"Leo, your mom said you played the clarinet for three weeks until you swallowed the reed," I say.

"I passed it," Leo says.

"Here, Chase. You want to give it a go?" Marcus asks, handing Chase his guitar.

"Well, yeah. Sure. Why not?" Chase says, taking the guitar. As I sat next to Adam on the bench that was in the hallway, Chase used his bionic eye to scan the guitar and started playing it at an expert level, jumping from the bench to the floor while shredding it. Everyone's eyes widen in shock as we watch Chase play the guitar. He stops after a bit and gets off the floor, looking a little embarrassed.

"Whoa! Dude, that was awesome!" Kyle says.

"Yeah...well...what do you know? Beginner's luck." Chase says, handing the guitar back to Marcus.


"So me and my dad moved around a lot. I was homeschooled for most of my life." Marcus says as he, Adam, Chase, and Kyle sit together in the cafeteria.

"No way! So were we!" Adam says. "We are so similar! Do you have a third nipple too?" Marcus, Kyle, and Chase give Adam weird looks.

"Anyway...that's a pretty sweet guitar, Marcus," Chase says.

"Yeah, and you're a natural, bro!" Marcus says. "Guys! We should start a band!"

"Oh, that's a great idea!" Adam says. He starts drumming his chopsticks on the table. "But what should I play? Oh, I got it! No, I don't got it."

"I think you're gonna be our drummer, Adam," Kyle says.

"Hmm. Interesting choice." Adam says. "I had been pondering the French horn."

"I'm pretty decent at the keyboard," Kyle says.

"Really?" Chase asks.

"Yeah. My life is not always about football." Kyle says. "Believe it or not, I come from a musical family. After my dad retired from being a football coach, he opened up his own guitar shop."

"Nice," Chase says.

"Cool!" Marcus says.

Leo and I walk over to the table with our lunch trays. "Hey, guys, guess what? Marcus, Kyle, Adam, and I are forming a band." Chase says.

"Well, you guys just met. Don't you think it's a little too soon?" I say.

"A little soon for what? Taking the deeply committed step of jamming together?" Chase says.

Lab Rats Season 1Where stories live. Discover now