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Somewhere in the corner of the office, Pia was giving a sadistic smile to her two other colleagues.

"Her report...was sloppy!" She let out a short laugh. She knew very well what she had done.

Pia wanted her report on the front page by any means necessary—she had to chalk out a simple means to make sure this one so-called obstacle of "shining reports"—Imlie, was not a bother this time.

Taking advantage of the upcoming interview, she had pestered Imlie every minute of the day with questions and matter on the socialite.

Imlie had tried hard to be gracious but ended up snapping once or twice—eventually venting out her frustration on that report.

Pia felt satisfaction then—her goal had chosen her to find any means necessary and this was her means. She felt no guilt whatsoever.

Tomorrow, she'd see her report on the paper, as she rightly thought she deserved and probably make good with the boss as well—who seemed to have eyes for no one else except his "Imlie".

She let out an exasperated face at that.


Imlie still had the paper in her hand and kept re-reading the same sheet. She mocked her callousness and decided to devote more time to her interview preparation, as she could not risk any more chances.

She glanced at the closed blinds again, wondering what Aryan thought of all this—the Editor had told her he was disappointed, but he hadn't yet reprimanded her personally. She felt annoyed at that.

She decided to knock on his door to have a chat with him.

"Come in" came back a curt response.

"Sit, Imlie, what brings you here?"

Imlie let out an exasperated sigh, why was this man not telling her anything?

She began, "You do know about the blunder I did—and yet you weren't the first one to let me know about it. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about it. I was writing yesterday and—-''

Aryan stopped her then, cutting in, "I don't want your apology Imlie, nor any excuses. I need and expect you to not lag when handed a task—the work you presented was not just sloppy but extremely haphazard in writing. I couldn't believe it was your piece. I expected better and since it's happened once, I'm willing to give you a chance in a few weeks—but you know very well that you need to earn that opportunity by conducting a crucial interview—and present it flawlessly." Aryan paused now to stare at her keenly, registering every expression on her face.

He knew she had disappointed him and wished to take it all back—but he was eager to push her to focus ahead.

There was a knock at the door.

Pia entered the cabin—she looked from Imlie to Aryan and then with an extra sweet voice spoke,

"Sir, forgive me, I didn't mean to disturb—-''

Once she was assured that it wasn't the case, she continued.

"I would just like to say THANK YOU Sir for the opportunity in the paper tomorrow, I won't let you down. It just means so much that you thought of ME." She gave a broad smile to him as she almost ignored Imlie sitting opposite him.

Aryan now shifted uncomfortably in his chair—there was something about the way she said that sentence that he didn't quite like.

Quickly, he corrected her in a stern voice,

"Miss Sharma, you have been given this opportunity since your content has been good, if ANY other intern in your place would have presented it to me, I'd recommend the same."

She then acknowledged this as a thorough compliment as she smiled from cheek to cheek at him—not before she glanced at Imlie and left, keenly registering the look on her face.

Imlie was seeing red—she couldn't believe the audacity of the girl. She also felt it had been almost flirty—-she winced inwardly as she tightened her fist.

She now turned to her husband, a need to establish possession but controlling herself for the sake of the office.

She was, however, confused with these sudden feelings.

"Thank you sir—for your time." She looked at him with the most plain expression.

Aryan gave her a puzzled look, he was able to read her face at most times...but right now, it was proving to be tough.

Uh Oh. Wave of Jealousy, here we go!

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