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{ I don't want them to suffer with the hospital stuff anymore—so, here's a chapter with some of their lighter moments.}

"Imlie...what are you trying to do...climbing up that tree...it's so high...just watch out please! You need to take care...you're still—"

"ABP, relax! It's sooo much fun...you should try it too!"

"Of course...of course...it's very easy for me to climb it as well...the only reason I'm NOT doing it...is because I'm not a jungli like you!"



"Stop calling me that!"

"No, I will— Jungli!"

"I'm warning you—-don't make me come down there!"

"Imlie...stay where you are..."

"NO!" She turned to move to another branch—but missed her step. She lost her balance and fell—only to land into strong, taut arms, clutching her tightly with his life.

Slowly scrunching her eyes open, she looked at the very angry glare her husband was giving her, who seemed to be on the verge of bursting into flames—while Imlie just smiled cheekily,

"Seeeee....I knew my ABP would never let me fall!"

But before he could reply, she jumped out of his hold and ran as far from him as possible—turning only once...to stick her tongue out at him.

"Imlieeee...get back here."


It had been many months since Imlie's surgery had taken place. She was showing clear signs of recovery. All the family members had been pillars of support for her—to help her get through the initial stages of discomfort.

Once she was able to move her shoulders more freely—the doctor had suggested a more open environment for her, likely surrounded by nature all around.

It would help speed up the process of recovery—as Imlie had become very dull with the daily medicine-consumption and hospital procedures.

She needed to fully recover from the mental trauma of the wound as well.

So... what better place could there be than her village? Her parents had readily jumped at the suggestion—with them also realising, it was the best way to get her glow back as well.

Aryan had agreed heartily—seeing that she would recover faster there—but would never in the least accept a proposition of staying away from her for that long— especially in a state of hers like this.

No... mere short visits were also not a viable option!

So...he decided to accompany her.

Aryan initially decided to book a small hotel room—but Imlie wanted none of that. However, her own house would also not suffice for all of them to stay under.

Daddha and Amma had then intervened to help—with Amma getting them a spare house, near their own, through contacts in the village—for both of them to stay temporarily.

Daddha had arranged for the necessary furniture—so that their accommodations were comfortable enough.

Their stay had been decided for likely 2 weeks.

Meethi had already told him that she would take care of everything for them—including any inconvenience either of them may face—with regards to Imlie's physical condition—but her daughter was now able to move about much better, since the past few days—which was a good sign!

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