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When Imlie reached there, she was out of breath.

Tia Mehra, who was seated on her couch, in her black suit and paired stilettos, eyed her now with a curious look.

Imlie reached out her hand to introduce herself but Tia was positively hesitant.

"You are...Imlie...if I'm not mistaken? I thought you would be conducting the interview when we had last gotten in touch? But My Oh My, is punctuality a thing or not?"

Imlie, who was gasping for breath, began to explain, before Ms. Mehra spoke again, "I did not think that you valued my time and that is why, I wasn't ready to give the interview anyway."

"But your team-member here, even though she seemed like an amateur, coaxed me to answer some of her questions, and so I did. It was also possibly because she had a speck of professionalism within her—and I respected that."

Imlie looked at Pia who was now grinning inwardly with such praise.

Imlie apologetically began to speak, "Ma'am forgive me, I tried calling you to make amends for the circumstances of my delay."

Tia looked at her once, before replying quickly,

"I know that...but I didn't bother to reply, expecting you to be here at the time you were supposed to be!"

Without pausing to hear what Imlie had to say, she continued:

"I am thoroughly disappointed with your conduct and have also contacted the Bhaskar Times Office, some time back. Will never be looking forward to giving an interview again with your paper, in any case."

Imlie looked crestfallen with every passing word from the sharp Tia Mehra, but she knew she had nothing to say in her defense as it could only damage the reputation of the paper further.

She apologised again, waiting with baited breath for the consequences she may have to endure further on...


Aryan had not returned back from his meeting yet.

Imlie took quiet steps up as she walked back up to the office, ready to meet the Editor.

Just then, Aditya Kumar Tripathi stood in her way.

He announced loudly:

"Everybody....IMLIE is finally here! We've all heard about what you have done and now please don't think you can escape from it THAT quickly, ok?"

She turned to look around at everybody peering at her while she simply stared ahead.

"Aryan Sir—our CEO, gave you a chance—an opportunity, in fact, but what did you do?
Even with your years of inexperience, you were handed this on a platter!
Why, most people who are working here may not get this early on in the job—-but YOU DID! And WHAT DID YOU DO?"

He spoke louder with each passing word. It almost seemed like he was under the influence of alcohol.

Imlie, who had had enough of this, spoke in a quiet but firm voice,

"Listen, Mr Tripathi, I know very well what you are trying to insinuate here. Yes—-I made a mistake. And yes, I will be dealing with the repercussions of that mistake with the management in-charge. YOU—trying to make a scene out of personal vengeance against me, will NOT help any matter!"

"Oh but Imlie—what repercussions?
YOU are the boss's wife! That's as far as any repercussions will go! You will not be dealt with the same guidelines as everyone else here, so just accept it and go!
Meanwhile, the real star of the Interview, my intern, Ms Pia, will be pushed aside to focus on your drama!"

Imlie took a deep breath.

No. She wasn't going to lose her strength.
Not because of this man at least. This is NOT how she wanted to deal with things.

"Mr Tripathi, I'm requesting you, please stop making a scene, if not for anything else, please think about your "image" and your years of "REPUTATION", which is clearly all you care about anyway, and how you are losing it all by the minute—''

At this, Aditya's temper surged and he leapt forward to grab Imlie's shoulders.

He growled at her,

"HOW DARE YOU say that to me—when YOU are clearly the cause of the image I have left of me everywhere—''

But he couldn't complete what he had to say.

A strong punch and he was pushed back by miles.

He now turned to look at the the still tightly-fisted man ahead of him.

He looked at the fury in his eyes—while his one arm encircled his wife's back, caressing her.

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