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Swearing, Blood


I ran panicked through the woods, Never caring that sticks in rocks dug deep into my skin, cutting it up in multiple different places and causing blood to seep out of the wounds. I ignored the pain as i continued through the woods.

Surely they'd notice i've left by now, right? They always notice by this time, and i've officially hit the fourth hour, so they're definitely awake right now..

Gods what if they found me? I'd be so fucked..

I continued running, Having no intentions to stop. The thin blanket i had around me nearly flew off as i made a sharp right turn and ended up at what could barely be called a road. It was clearly abandoned, Grass poking out of whatever cracks they could, and bugs scurrying across it like they knew it was no longer being use. All of my instincts were telling me to ignore it and keep running as far away as i could, but  a small part of me knew if i ignored this road and kept running aimlessly through the forest, i'd die that night. I looked around a bit, Making sure there were no cars nearby before running across the road and up the seemingly abandoned one, Trying my best to follow it in the darkness. 

After what felt like hours, i finally arrived to a gate, Which i gave a small push to and grumbled at the resistance it had given me. Shortly after, i had noticed a mossy sign sitting not to far away from it that read "Heelshire Residence". Whatever this place was, it definitely didn't appear to be in use anymore. The grass was overgrown, and vines climbed up the rusty iron of the gates. I glared intensely at the gate, Debating whether or not attempting to climb it would be a wise decision. 

If i cut myself, i'd almost definitely get tetanus, But if i stand here i'm more likely to be found by them, and the mild possibility of tetanus sounds way better than whatever they'd do to me once they found me. 

Taking my chances, i slipped my blanket through the gate before placing my foot on part of it, taking a deep breath and slowly moving my other food up a bit higher, doing that another six times before climbing to the other side and repeating the action to go back down, Nearly slipping and falling a few times. The moment my feet had finally touched the cold ground i shivered a bit, picking up my blanket and wrapping it back around me as i continued my walk up the road, A dark mansion not too far away from where i was.

I cautiously approached the building, stepping up onto the porch and glancing around a bit. "What's this place doing so far away from everything..?" I muttered, trying to open the door only to be met with disappointment, Since it was locked. If it weren't for my desperation, i probably would've just turned around and walked away, but since it had taken me at least an hour to get here, and i was sure they were already combing the forests for me, i ran off the porch and hopped the fence into the backyard, My heart pounding out of my chest as i ran up the back porch and frantically tried the door, Which luckily for me, Was left unlocked.

I quickly rushed inside, closing the door behind me and locking it. For the first time in hours, i finally felt the small rush of safety i was looking for. 

I inspected the room i was in carefully, Which had turned out to be a kitchen. I raided the fridge, finding an okay looking apple and immediately scarfing it down, Not worrying about whether or not the food and working electricity meant the home was still very much lived in. 

I let out a sharp hiss as i had just realized how injured and in pain my legs truly were.

Small bits of glass stuck out my feet since i had run out the town and into the woods, my calves were covered in small cuts and scratches. Which i would've worried about, if the lights hadn't flickered on and then off again, despite the switch remaining in the off position. Something about the new aura in the room made the skin on the back of my neck stand up. A quiet "hello" echoed through the kitchen, Its voice the one of a child. 

 It sounded on edge, and was in a sort of whisper tone. "Who are you..?" The voice spoke, sounding slightly angry, which was fair since i did literally just break into the house. I stayed quiet, Feeling my adrenaline once again kick in. I stepped back, running out of the room and finding myself in the front of the building.

I stood in the hallway, staring ahead of me with a fearful expression. 

Standing in the shadows ahead of me was a roughly 6'3 looking male who i could barely differentiate from the darkness of the house. I felt paralyzed by fear, as my hands trembled slightly at the sight of the stranger standing before me.

"Who are you?" The voice repeated, still as angry as before. I attempted to gather all the courage i could, Letting out a shaky sigh and trying to speak. "I-I'm sorry i-i thought it was abandoned an-and i really need a place to stay." The figure never moved, at least, not until i blinked. The moment i had blinked, the stranger was gone. No longer standing in front of me. "Don't be afraid." The voice spoke again, sounding slightly softer this time.

Which, actually increased my fear.

The situation had finally set in, and I quickly ran into a random room, which turned out to be a humongus library. I got lost almost immediately, Trying to hide myself behind a few boxes that i had found. The hiding place was quickly proved to be  a shit one, since soon after something grabbed my legs and forcefully dragged me out of my spot. I let out a yelp as i was dragged through the library, basically begging for my life.

The moment i felt the pressure on my leg release i shot up and looked around, seeing nobody nearby, I attempted to stand up. Arms quickly wrapped themselves around my neck, holding me in a very tight chokehold. I clawed at the arms, attempting to get even a little bit of air into my lungs as everything started to get blurry. 

I could barely resist anymore, my body getting heavier and heavier every second that went by. I eventually just gave in, closing my eyes knowing that i'd probably never open them again. 

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