★ || 𝟙𝟚. ℝ𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕦𝕤 || ★

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[ This Chapter Contains : Swearing ]

i just realized i changed Erica's name to Erika unintentionally, But i'm gonna keep doing it that way anyways because i'm too lazy to fix it.

[Y/N] - Your Name [you probably already knew that but idc]

{A/S} - Animal Species [bc im lazy]


I awoke to hear loud yelling from the other side of the door, After sitting up an letting out a groan i looked around the room and once again saw clean clothes sitting perfectly folded on the end of the bed, But i was no longer in the parents room and was instead inside of Brahms' room, With the doll sitting on a nearby chair staring at me. I didn't really take any time to take in anymore details and hurried to stand up and run out of the room. Once i was in the hall, It was a bit more clear where the yelling was from and I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, The sight in front of me instantly turning my mild fear into more of an annoyance. Brahms stood over near the stove his hands balled up, Elijah stood near the window yelling at him, And Erika was simply stuffing oatmeal into her mouth ignoring the two. "Hey, The hell's going on here?" Everyone stopped and looked over at me, Nobody said anything, But they kept staring at me. "Soo.. Nothing?" Elijah sighed and crossed his arms. "Oh nothing, Just the fact i ran into 'Brahms' carrying you around last night despite you being asleep and now he's burning shit in the kitchen." 

"I was moving her somewhere that wasn't my parents bedroom, And i'm trying my best." Yeah i had a feeling there'd be an issue today. Why can't things just calm down and stay calm? "Okay look, He came to me beforehand and let me know about it. Its not-"

"So he also followed you after you ran off and got you alone? God he really is a fucking weirdo.." I tensed up and gritted my teeth. I expected Elijah to be on edge after last night, But holy fuck i didn't expect him to be such an ass. Granted, Brahms did literally beat two men to death, But Elijah also killed people. And the both of them did it for roughly the same reason, To protect. So i don't understand why he's so upset about it. All he's doing is being a hypocrite. Though again, We are siblings so i guess it's a bit more understandable? "He didn't do anything, Alright? I feel fine. He's fine. Let's just get food made so i can focus on chores-"

"You are so fucking biased." I narrowed my eyes and put my hands on my hips. I should have assumed this was gonna be a fight, I was just really hoping it wouldn't be. "Seriously?"

"Yes, Seriously." Elijah leaned against the wall glaring at me, tightening his grip on his arm. "You're digging into me because i'm pissed at your creepy ass boyfriend. That's biased." Fucking really? "He is not- Elijah that's not even remotely my issue with you right now."

"Then what is it? Because currently all i've done is protect you and Erika, And put up with doll boy's bullshit." I'll admit, i was starting to get riled up again. There didn't even seem to be a point to this, He was just being nasty for the sake of it. "It's the fact all you've been doing is starting fights. Erika and i are in this shit too, Yet out of all of us you've been attacking Brahms the most."

"Maybe it's because he's a fucking psychopath?"

"You aren't any better!" 

"Explain it to me then, [Y/N]. Tell me how i'm worse then this fucking-"

"Enough." Everything went quiet. To be honest, i was too stunned to speak. The sudden deepness of what i assumed was Brahms' voice made the air feel way colder then it had previously been. I don't think he enjoyed having everyone's attention on him, Though, Since soon after a minute had passed he cleared his throat and set the spoon in his hand down. "Lets just..Split up for now. Fighting isn't helping anyone so it'd be for the best." Elijah lowered his head in silence, Still visibly upset but probably put off by what had happened. "E-Elijah, I'm sorry if you dislike me, I understand why. But don't forget you're in my house." Everyone stayed  silent, Until Elijah sighed and nodded. "Alright sure, Whatever. But we still need to talk about what we're gonna do when we leave." While Elijah began another rant, Erika looked over at me and tilted her head. "[Y/N]..You know mom-" Elijah immediately jumped up from his spot, Which caused me to jump a bit and glance over at him with concern. He caught onto my worry and let out a sigh as he wiped his face off with his hands"Dickhead told Beth where we were going, And we can't just say 'Oh well some guy bashed his head in and then we helped him off the rest of his gang!', So whether we stay or not, We're royally fucked because she's probably gonna come looking for him and us OR call the police, And neither are good options."

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