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This Chapter Contains : Swearing


I had just finished making lunch, which were simple PB&J sandwiches. It wasn't much, But it should work for now while i tried to figure dinner out. I set Brahms' sandwich in front of his seat and sat down to eat mine, Slightly narrowing my eyes. I finally had a proper moment to sit down and think, So it was time to plan for what to do when i left. There was a town about seven miles from here, Which, depending on my speed, Would take 3-4 hours to walk there.

I just need to get to the town, buy a train ticket, and then I'd be free. There's really only a few questions like, How would i get the money for the ticket? How long would i stay here? Is it even safe? What do i do if he forces where i am out of Erica and Elijah and shows up?  More importantly, Where the hell is the man that's been living here? So far all he's done is give me clean clothes and stalk me, But never actually confront or talk to me since i first saw him.

I would like to ya know, Actually talk to him. Especially since i plan on staying in his house for at least a week. It feels weird staying here in the same house as someone else but never seeing them. Granted, I guess  i did break into his house so its understandable why he wouldn't be around me. "I bet things are easy for you, Brahms.." I muttered, Leaning back and taking another bite of my sandwich. "You aren't a runaway, So you can just stay here and not worry about anything other then people breaking in." I let out a quiet laugh, running my hand through my hair and closing my eyes. "Sorry about that, By the way." I went silent again, Before sighing and opening my eyes, Staring up at the lights on the ceiling. "Don't worry about me. I'll be gone next friday, Alright?"

If i can figure my shit out by then, anyway. I doubt it, But i don't think he'll want me to stick around for very long. I finished my sandwich rather quickly, not completely sure what to do now that I was done with lunch. I guess i could just sit here thinking about where i plan to get a train to, It'd probably be for the best since i only had until next week to get a proper plan. 

But maybe i could look around? It should be fine as long as i keep Brahms with me, And keep an eye out for the man that's been running around. I turned my attention back to the doll, Realizing i had just been sitting there staring at the ceiling like a weirdo. 

Actually now that i think about it, Isn't taking care of a doll and having full on conversations with it weird? I've been treating this thing like a person for like a day or two now, And it's literally just a porcelain toy. What was probably weirder was the fact i felt comforted by holding it, Like nobody was gonna fuck with me while i had that thing in my hands. "Don't go." I jumped a bit, Looking over at the wall near the stove. The voice..It definitely came from there. "I-I have to. If my dad finds me then he's gonna drag me back and hurt me." 

"Not if i'm here. I'll protect you."

"I've had people protect me before, It never ends well." I said, My hands trembling a bit at even the thought of seeing that man again. He ruined everything for me and the twins, Especially Elijah. I don't think i'd ever be able to go back there or forgive him, even if he showed up at the door sobbing and begging for my forgiveness. The voice never replied, So i had assumed i'd upset them.  Which was fair i guess. If my assumption of them being a child were correct, It'd be understandable of why they'd be so overprotective of me.

Maybe the kid was that guys?

"Don't leave me." It was quiet, Almost a whisper. But still full of frustration and anger and definitely  possessiveness, And it had come from behind me. The second i heard it i shot up from my seat and turned around, Almost knocking my chair over. I felt my heartrate pick up the longer i stared in the general direction i'd assumed the voice came from. Silence. All i could do was stay quiet and stare. Nothing more was said, Nothing was done, Just a long period of silence. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I could tell i wasn't by myself anymore, The feeling in the room had changed, And it didn't feel as bright as it did earlier. "I-I.." I can barely find the words to say anything. All i could think of to do was to run. Which, probably would've been a good idea. I didn't like how fondly this voice had seemed of me despite me only being here for maybe a day or two. "I-I can't stay."Probably wasn't the best choice of words, but it was all i was able to mutter out despite my fear. "I need to get out of town soon. It's not safe for me."

The voice was silent again, But i heard a quiet sniffle before complete silence engulfed the room. It took a minute before i was able to move again, But once i could i quickly cleaned up and picked up Brahms. "S-Surely its reading time right? Let's hurry or we'll be late." I basically ran to the library, Still shaken up from what had happened.

If this only day two, i worry what the next twelve days will be like..

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