★ || 𝟜. ℕ𝕠 𝔾𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕤. || ★

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This Chapter Contains : Swearing, Mentions of abuse

The picture is your sister.


I looked around, Not seeing anybody nearby. My heartrate started to pick up as i stopped and looked back down at the doll. "Brahms.." I muttered, Was he territorial or something? Why would it matter to him so much if i had guests or not? Well, that's a stupid question. It's not my house, And i haven't seen anyone but this doll since i woke up yesterday, So clearly whoever's having me take care of said doll, Doesn't exactly enjoy the company of other people.

I breathed in then out, Glancing back in the general direction of the kitchen. "Look they're harmless okay? I promise they'll be out soon. Just..Give me thirty minutes. Please." I spoke quietly, hoping the two of them hadn't heard me. I couldn't hear anything aside from the conversation Erica and Elijah were having. "Promise?" That familiar child's tone whispered from not too far away, It almost sounded like it was in the wall. I pursed my lips before smiling, Gently patting the top of Brahms' head. "Promise." it was quiet again for about three minutes, As if whoever that is was struggling to decide on what to do. Which was completely fair. I was pushing a set boundary for the sake of my siblings, But i wasn't sure if he knew who those people were. "...Okay. Thirty minutes. But no more than that." Thank fuck.

"Okay." I felt slightly relieved, And picked up the doll so i could move it somewhere more comfortable. I guess since it was still early as fuck there wasn't much of a worry of a schedule change, So maybe that was why i convinced them? Who knows.

I placed the doll on the couch in the living room, Tucking the note away in my pocket and quickly heading back into the kitchen. "Oh hey, You weren't murdered." Elijah said sarcastically, He looked like upon seeing me return, Almost all his stress had disappeared. "Yeah, Kinda made a deal with the devil, Though.." I said nervously, Sitting back down. "What do you mean?" Erica asked, Looking over to me with a hint of worry in her eyes. "Well, the person i was talking about? He doesn't really like guests. So you two can't stay long."

"It's fine. We didn't intend to stay here all day anyways. Dad would've figured us out and he's not exactly kind when we don't do what he wants." Elijah went quiet, Staring down at the table. "Y'know Erica-"

"Elijah please." Erica interrupted him, Causing him to glance up at her for a moment before looking back at me. "That bruise on your neck? She thought dad did it when you were getting your shit together so you could run away for the hundredth time." His voice was full of nothing but pain and anger. What the fuck were they talking about while i was gone? "You know how he gets when his "precious little bunnies" run away from him. Always takes it out on the ones that didn't get to leave." He hissed, Leaning forward and glaring daggers into my eyes. "Me and Erika didn't do shit, But he still took his "grief" out on us this morning." Erika slammed her fists on the table, Visibly trembling. "That's enough, Elijah. You know damn well [Y/N] didn't do anything and if all you plan to do is bring him up then we can leave right fucking now." The anger in her voice startled me, Since i've never seen Erica that angry before. Sad, maybe. But absolutely livid? This was a first. 

The room stayed silent, And Elijah stood up. "Yeah, Sure. Let's fucking go. Let's go back to the reason [Y/N] ran away in the first fucking place, To the main fucking reason i look like this." The aura changed from calm, To violent in seconds. Neither of them spoke, But their glare at each other was all i needed to be able to tell just how deep this really went. 

Boy do i not feel safe right now...

At the same time, The kettle went off, Catching everyone's attention as if it were trying to calm things down or give us a moment to really think about the current situation. The to of them sat down as i stood up, Neither of them seemed to pay me any attention, though.

I made three cups of tea for us, Setting the cups down in front of their respective persons spot before sitting back down and starting to drink mine. "So the house went to shit after i left?" I asked, Setting my cup back down after taking a sip. "Yeah, it's..Pretty bad." I nodded, taking another sip of my tea. "Are.." Erica started, Looking over to me with a sad look in her eyes. "Are you coming back, [Y/N]..?" My heart sank, I couldn't, Even if i really really wanted to, But to see her so destroyed by me leaving just..Hurt.

It hurt even more for knowing they were taking the heat for me finally leaving. But i did have a plan. I'd get somewhere far, far away from him and i'd get my own apartment, And then i planned to adopt them once things were stable enough so i could get them out of that horrid situation, So we could all be free from him. "I can't. But once i'm far out enough and things are safe for us, i promise i'll come back for you."

"How long are you staying here?" Elijah asked, Looking over to me. "No longer then a week or two. I'm just trying to think of a proper plan before heading out again, You know?" He nodded, Picking up his cup of tea and taking a small sip. "How long do we have to stay?" I looked over to Erica, Who had her hand resting on mine. "About twenty five minutes now." I said, Smiling gently at her. "Don't worry though. If he gets upset then i'll just be the distraction while you two run out the back."

"You mean like the first time we went to a party and the cops got called?"  Elijah snickered, seeming in a slightly better mood then he was previously. "Basically. I don't think he'd call the cops, though." I shrugged, it was good to know things were calming down. "So, i saw there was a backyard. Wanna fuck around out there till we gotta split and keep "looking" for you?" Elijah suggested, fiddling around with the salt shaker on the table. "Yeah, Sure. Just no fires yeah?" 

"Awee, Killjoy much?" He whined, Before sticking his tongue out at me and standing up to put his coat on. "It isn't my house, dingus." I reminded him, Helping Erica to stand up. Once everyone was ready i told them to wait outside for me. I waited for them to go outside before i quickly put the cups in the sink and slipped back into the living room. "Alrighty Brahms, I'm gonna go out in the back for a while. I'll be back in before breakfast, Okay?" I kneeled down to the toys height, Staring into its lifeless eyes with a smile on my face. "I'll be back in a second. Be good." I kissed it on the forehead and hurried back into the kitchen, Heading out to the backyard.


They went outside with them, With those strangers..

They seem to know each other rather well, But i can't trust them. Those two aren't allowed here. 

God what are they doing to me? I can't keep breaking the rules for them. They're there for a reason, Right? So it's important i follow them.

[Y/N]'s so forgetful, They keep forgetting my rules. If they forget again, i'll have to make sure i properly teach them. It's important they know how to listen, Or i'll have to get rid of them.

No, No i'm good. I can teach them so they can stay. They won't have to leave. They won't leave.

I just have to be good. I'm sure they'll learn to be good too.

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