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[ This Chapter Contains : Swearing, House chores]

ART IS NOT MINE. I couldn't find any more GIFs but i thought this looked cool so-

This is around the time where you'll be bonding with Brahms and the siblings more. I'm struggling to write Brahms' character though, Because he's so childish but also so adult? It's confusing.


I let out an exhausted yawn as i drained out the mop in the bucket and slopped it down onto the wooden ground. I was running off of spite and coffee at this point, And was slowly running out of coffee.

Still had plenty of spite, though.

Elijah was off doing dishes while i moped and Erika cleaned the windows. It was pretty handy having other people helping out with chores, Especially because the house was so big. Brahms wasn't fond of the idea of chores, But i "kindly" reminded him that we were not his maids and that if we wanted we could leave at any time and it somewhat convinced him to at least dust. 

To be honest, He was all i could really think about.

Not because i liked him, Or even enjoyed his company really. He gave me a sickening feeling, The kind similar to sitting in a room with a known serial killer alone with only cameras watching, Or hearing whispers and screaming in the dark when you know nobody's there. It was one of fear, Despite knowing there was really only a mild danger and that'd you'd be fine.

The reason i thought about him was because of his personality. He talked like a child and for the most part behaved like one despite whatever age he was. Honestly it didn't really seem like he knew anymore, But something about that was intriguing to me. I wanted to learn more while i was stuck here with him. "[Y/N]?" I glanced over toward Erika who gave me a weak smile. "Yeah, whats up?"

"I'm..tired. Can i please go rest?" I smiled and nodded. "Of course, Go to the guest room. You know where it is, right?" 

"Mhm." She placed the rag and bucket she was holding down and walked over to the stairs. That was when i heard a sigh escape Elijah who was leaning in the kitchen doorway and i turned my attention over to him. "[Y/N], We need to talk." I cautiously nodded, leaning the mop against the wall. "What do you need?" He seemed to relax a bit and walked further into the room, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "It's..It's about the plan me and Eri made. We wanted to run it by you."

"Oh, okay. Do you wanna sit down first?" He nodded, And i let him lead me over to the dinning room where we sat down to talk. "So what's the plan?"

"W-Well uhm..The will." He said quietly, Lowering his head a bit. "I'm...A bit ashamed of the idea but, Eri and I wanted to go back to our old house and tell mom that "he"  died in a crash on the way here, And try to convince her to give whatever money she gets from his will to us. I've already crashed the car about a mile away from here and trust me when i say the injuries that he and his men got looked about as bad as the car does." My stomach churned and knotted at the thought of what state Brahms left my father in, But i pushed the thought into the back of my head and nodded. "So you plan to lie to mom?" He shrugged. "Either that or steal whatever money we can get our hands on while we're there." I let out a hum and tilted my head. "Why are you telling me this?" I raised a brow, Watching as he tensed up and let out a nervous laugh. "We..We need you there too."

"No, Absolutely not." I stood up from my spot and went to get back to cleaning. "[Y-[Y/N] please!" I ignored Elijah, Picking back up the mop and heading for the stairs. "You're like, The golden child! You aren't like me, And you aren't like Erika. If you're there-" I swung around, Clutching the mop handle hard enough to turn my knuckles white, I was actively fighting back tears. This seemed to have startled Elijah since he immediately stopped talking. "If I go, I'll get either manipulated or injured or both. I don't want either to happen to me ever again, Especially by the hands of that woman." He stayed quiet, An sympathetic look in his eyes. He understood, But at the same time he didn't. "Please. We just need you to keep her busy until we can take what we need and leave. You're more likely to shut her down then Erika is and she won't listen to a word i say." I narrowed my eyes and sighed. "Fine, I'll think about it." This seemed to have relieved him, And he smiled. "Thank you so much. Even if you don't leave with us, We really appreciate it." I nodded and watched as he walked off, I assumed it was to finish the dishes. "You're leaving.." I jumped a bit, Looking up at Brahms who stood at the top of the stairs. "E-Eh?"

"You're leaving me, You said you'd stay..Why are you leaving me?" He began to descend down the stairs, And my immediate reaction was to start backing away. "I-I'm not-"

"I heard you. You're leaving me, You're leaving here. Why? It's safe now, You don't have to go." I tensed up a bit more, Biting my inner lip. If i weren't careful, This could go really bad really fast. "I'm not leaving you, It's a favor for my siblings. They need whatever money they can get so they can leave." He tilted his head, Continuing down the stairs. "But you're going with them, To wherever he asked you to go. It's not safe there, but you'd rather be there then here with me." Man i wonder why. I mean to be fair, Here is a thousand times better than my old home. But he wasn't really convincing me not to leave. If anything his threatening demeanor only made me more eager to go since my mom would at least give me a few minutes before she started acting bat shit crazy. "Look, I'm not leaving you, Okay? They just want me to go out to my moms. I promise we'll be back before you realize we ever left." He stayed quiet as he stepped off of the final step and walking towards me. He came to a halt in front of me, His face a mere inches from mine. "Promise you'll come back."


"Promise me that you'll come back, And that you won't run away like..." He trailed off for a moment, Pausing for a bit before shaking his head and narrowing his eyes from behind his mask. "Just..Please promise me." I was sure my face was currently several shades of pink and red, And i desperately wanted to step back because boy was he invading my personal bubble to an uncomfortable degree, But currently my ability to move wasn't working and even if it were, I was sure he'd only move closer to me. "I..I promise I'll come back." He seemed satisfied with this answer and backed up a bit, Nodding as he scratched his head. "I've finished cleaning up. Can we play piano now?" I let out a sigh before smiling. "Yeah, Sure. I'll meet you there, Alright?" He nodded again and rushed off out of sight.

I felt my body finally release from its tension and put the mop back down, Wiping away a bead of sweat from my forehead and inhaling a large breath. "Let's go [Y/N].." And with that, I made my way toward the Piano room.

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