★ || 𝟙𝟜. 𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 || ★

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[ This Chapter Contains : No trigger warnings, Enjoy.]

ART IS NOT MINE. Still can't find any GIFs and I don't feel like reusing any lol

Let me just say, It's a really good feeling to wake up, Hop on wattpad, And see so many notifs. Like some days i'm genuinely surprised of how many i get-

Seriously though, I'm glad people enjoy my writing. I'll try to update more often.


"Okay uhm..Put your hand there." 


"N-No that's...Kinda on the other side? Here, Let me.." I gently grabbed Brahms' hand and placed it over the correct keys, He had already proven to be really good at a lot of the songs, But this one he seemed to be struggling with. "How is it i know where to put your hands better then y-" Yeah no nevermind with that sentence. Brahms seemed a bit confused, And tilted his head as if questioning why i had suddenly stopped speaking.  "Oh uh, Nothing. Just carry on, yeah?" he nodded, Beginning to play. It was obvious he knew how,  He just wasn't sure on where to put his hands when playing this specific song. Ignoring that though, He was pretty damn good at it.

I felt a bit tired so i decided to sit beside him, Slightly shimmying him to the side to make room for myself. He didn't take up too much of the bench, But he wasn't exactly small so there wasn't much room where i wanted to sit. Sitting down, However, Was probably the worst thing i could've done since that small bit of rest caused a wave of exhaustion to wash over me. It was extremely difficult to keep my eyes open, But i knew i had to stay awake in order to finish this quick lesson and then cleaning up. But, It wouldn't hurt to rest a bit, Would it? I mean, Technically speaking i don't have to sleep to get a bit of rest and i have been cleaning all day. But Brahm's would notice if i just stood up and left, And he'd probably throw a tantrum about it or feel like it was his fault.

Ha..Isn't it funny that i'm worrying so much about a grown man being upset with me for resting? Honestly at this point, Nothing else really mattered to me. I just needed a moment to rest and regain energy and I wasn't awake enough to care about how things went after.

I hesitantly leaned my head onto Brahms' shoulder, Feeling him tense up underneath me but never saying anything or straying away from the song he played. It still sounded as beautiful as before i had done that, It was just played a bit slower now. "If you're tired, You can go back to bed.. I don't mind finishing the cleaning." I looked up at him for a moment, Before scoffing and smiling. "You say but it took ten full minutes of trying to convince you to dust." He seemed offended by that, Glancing over at me with an annoyed look in his eyes "It's a big house." He huffed, And i raised a brow and sat up. "It's your big house. You still have to help clean it." I said as i rolled my eyes, Stifling a laugh. "Hmph. Isn't that why i  let you stay in the first place, Though?"

"I'm not a free maid service, Brahms. You have to help sometimes."

"It doesn't mean i want to, Though."

"That's completely fair." I smiled a bit wider. Even if he was a bit childish, And made me anxious to be around, I was a bit glad we could have a tiny moment like this. Y'know, Despite his annoyance to me bringing up cleaning. Eventually things went quiet and he went back to playing the piano. I just sat there watching, Still slightly amazed by how well he could play. I mean, I guess there's nothing better to do around here besides read, clean, or cook so putting any extra energy you have into piano makes sense. "Hey brahms.." He glanced over at me, still mostly focusing on the piano. "What were your parents like?"

"Smothering." He responded quick, Looking back over to the piano. "But, Did you enjoy their company?" He shook his head no. "They didn't truly love me, They loved their doll. I wasn't good enough for them anymore, I sinned far too much for forgiveness when they were still here." Part of me was curious about what that meant, The other part really didn't want to know based off what i already knew about Brahms. "I..I see." was all i could mutter out.

I laid my head back down on his shoulder, This time in attempts to comfort him. Sure, I didn't quite understand what he meant by "sinned" but that was fine. I didn't need to know to understand he was hurting. He tensed up again but soon relaxed and rested his head on mine. For some reason, I felt comfort in this moment. I was still very much afraid of him, But my energy on being afraid was running out and i needed time to replenish it. It honestly started to feel like he was trying to play me to sleep, mostly because once he had calmed down so did the melody of the song.

Too bad i had shit to do, Though.

"Brahms, I gotta go finish cleaning up." He stopped playing and looked over at me, Which made me feel a bit intimidated. "You're tired though. I can do it." That would be so sweet if i trusted him at all, And i really don't. It was a bit weird how persistent he was i sleep, Mostly because it's only noon. "It's fine, really." I went silent again, Nibbling at the inside of my cheek. Something was still  "About what the twins said-"

"About you leaving?"

"Yeah, That." I let out a nervous chuckle before clearing my throat. "I'm not, Completely sure about that."

"Do you want to go?"

"Of course i do, I just..I'm sure i want to go out and help but i don't know if i can actually go out and do it." He let out a hum and resumed playing. "Why go then?"

"They're my family. I kind of have to." I closed my eyes again and sighed, Standing up and patting him on the shoulder. "How about i get you a new song to play? After that i have to go shower." He nodded slowly, Continuing to play his music as i walked away and towards a shelf with other music books on them.

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