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This Chapter Contains : Swearing

idk if i've used that gif before but tbh i dont care <3


My eyes cracked open, And i flinched at the sunlight blasting into the room. It really felt like the house hated me, Especially since the curtains were cracked in a way where the sun shown directly into my exhausted eyes. I groggily sat up, Noticing i was no longer laying at the bottom of the bed, But was now under the blanket like i had gotten in the bed instead of just flopping on it.

He moved me again..

I spotted clean clothes at the bottom of the bed, And assumed i had slept in. So despite my exhaustion, I climbed out of the bed and went to pick up the clothes, hurrying to change into them. After i finished getting dressed i hurried off to Brahm's room to get him up, Only to see he wasn't in the bed. Instead there was a note sitting on his pillow. 

"Come find me! -PS. check kitchen first. -Brahms"

This bitch-

I scrunched up my nose. I was barely awake, And had a horrible headache, And now some doll wanted me to go on a hunt for it? I mean i get it, I'm basically it's caretaker, So this shouldn't be the weirdest thing that's happened. But a doll shouldn't be doing all the things it's been doing. I assume it must be the weekend or something, Since he definitely wasn't the type to go off schedule like this. Wait what the fuck am i talking about? It's a porcelain doll.

I let out a sigh and put the note in my pocket. Sure, why not? Hide and seek isn't the worst thing to have happened today, And i could use the break. After making sure the doll wasn't in the room, I left it and walked over to the stairs, Walking down them. I heard quiet thuds, A few things fall over, Off in the direction of the kitchen. "Hello?" I said, Not getting a response as expected. 

I walked into the kitchen, Seeing a plate of pancakes sitting in front of the spot I normally sit at with a note next to it. So despite the panic growing in my gut, I sat down and poked at the food with the fork. I don't trust it at all, But I don't really have much of a choice since I don't want to piss off whoever made it for me.

I took a small bite of the pancakes, Which tasted surprisingly good. I ended up eating more then intended, And only remembered the note after I'd eaten two of the four on the plate. Once I'd remembered it though i hurried to pick it up and read it.

"Hope the foods good, Library is next! -Brahms"

This kid..

Well, Actually, There's like a 50% chance this is a child and or the grown man that's been actively avoiding me, But either way it's kinda sweet. Well, Maybe the second one isn't as sweet as the first, But still. I finished scarfing down the pancakes and hurried to wipe off my face, Feeling slightly more energetic then i had before. Kinda made me wonder if whoever made the food put coffee or something in it, Since it definitely wasn't just an energy boost from good food. Not like i'm complaining though.

I stood up and hurried to the library, Silently hoping i'd find the doll there. My hope was dashed however, Since after roughly thirteen minutes of me looking around i ended up instead finding a note where he'd normally be sitting. 

"Almosttt! Now check the garden! -Brahms"

I think its funny he writes his name at the end of the notes as if i'll forget who i'm searching for.

No, What i'm searching for. This isn't a person, It's a toy. I'm looking for a toy, And following some random notes somebody put out for me. Now that i properly think about this though, I definitely should not have eaten those pancakes..

Eh fuck it, They were good. No regrets.

Like i had done previously, I stuffed the note into my pocket and walked into the kitchen, Walking out to the garden and immediately looking around. The cold bit my skin, And i had silently wished that i had gone back upstairs and grabbed my blanket before coming out here..

I walked further into the garden, Looking everywhere i could yet finding nothing. I was on the verge of going inside, When i spotted a figure standing far away in the snow. They weren't doing anything, They were just staring at me from afar. 

That must be the owner..

The moment i had noticed them, I instinctively stumbled back, feeling my heartrate start to pick up as a knot formed in my stomach. I kept the same glare on them as they did me, Neither of us moving from our equally freezing spots. I felt stuck there, Like i was glued to that spot. My body wouldn't cooperate so i could run or move closer,  But the stranger had eventually made the first move and ran to a nearby tree in attempts to hide behind it.

What they didn't  consider was the fact i not only saw them run and hide, They're also rather large, And that isn't a very thick tree, So i could still see part of their shoulders. I felt like i could move again, But the last thing i was gonna do was move any closer then i am now. I feel like i should say something, But knowing me i'm gonna say something stupid and probably get kicked out or something. "H-Hey.."i did move slightly closer so they could hear me, but not closer then that. "I-I'm uhh..I'm [Y/N]." They didn't move, But i could faintly here heavy breathing. "Th-Thank you for letting me stay here. I don't mean to intrude or anything, But i promise i'll be out by tomorrow." They stayed silent, The breathing now stopping. I began to panic, Since usually someone's breathing stopping isn't a good thing. Thankfully it resumed, But they still stayed at that spot. "I'll go inside now and make some hot cocoa cause its uh, Pretty cold. I'll leave you a cup on the table."

Aftera final glance in the direction of the stranger, I went inside and closed the door, Leaving it unlocked in case they also came inside 

Now that i'm in, I think i would actually enjoy a  cup of hot cocoa. 

I turned on the kettled and searched the cabinet for marshmallows and some hot cocoa mix, I did end up finding the mix but never found any marshmallows. Ignoring my disappointment though, I grabbed two mugs and placed them down on the counter, Dumping the powder in and leaning on the counter. I wasn't really sure if the game would be going on after that. Maybe they were the one setting up the game, And that's why they felt the need to hide

Ehh fuck it. I can't think without being warm and i've been thinking too much today.

The kettle went off and i went to pick it up, Dumping its hot contents into the two cups and stirring them. The smell of chocolate quickly filled the room, Overthrowing any other scents. It made me wish i could've chugged them there and then, Yet before i could do anything with it i heard a knock on the door.

Despite a rule being "don't answer the door" I still felt the need to open it, And hurried over to the door to open it. "A-Ah-? Hello there!" A a girl who looked about a year or two older then me stood on the porch. "I didn't think anyone answered the door..Are you a new yet very introverted owner or?"

"Oh I-I uhm.." Maybe this is why the rules say not to open the door. Coming up with excuses for things like this aren't easy. "I-I'm the uh, New nanny." She tilted her head a bit, A mild look of confusion. "There's a child here? It's almost always quiet.."

"He's uhh..Special. Prefers staying in his room." She let out a quiet "ah" and gently handed over a few bags. "Well here's everything you need! Just let me know if i should add anything for next weeks drop-off." 

"Ah yeah actually, Some marshmallows. I can't seem to  find any.." She nodded, A small smile on her face. "Well i'll be off now. Have a good day!" I waved as she walked away and retreated back into the house, Carrying the groceries into the kitchen and placing them on the table. 

The extra cup of hot cocoa was gone, And to see it missing brought me a small bit of joy. I bet whoever that was feels way better now. "Just wait 'till the marshmallows get here.." Well, I won't be here by then, But still. I'm sure they'll think to put it in their cocoa even if i'm not here. "Guess i should do some chores now.." The game was on pause for now, Why not be productive? 

Y'know, After i drink my hot choc.

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