★ || 𝟛. 𝕊𝕚𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 || ★

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This Chapter Contains : Swearing

The picture is your brother


I awoke slightly earlier then i probably should have to loud banging coming from downstairs. I glanced over to the clock. The clock read "5:31 AM..

Fuck..What if- What if its my dad? What if the stranger that also stays here woke up to the banging too? Shit...

I hurried out of bed and ran down the stairs still half dressed, Before hurrying to open the door, Which i was just barely able to do under the pressure of the banging. The moment the door flung open the two people on the other side stopped and just stared at me like a deer in headlights. "H-Holy shit..." The girl muttered, before the guy behind her quickly pushed in front of her as if he were trying to get a better look at me before returning to his deer in headlights look. "[Y/N].." Within seconds i felt arms wrap around me so tight i was pretty sure i'd pass out. The girl hugging me letting out quiet sobs. "H-How did you two-?"

"W-We didn't mean to! Dad had us come out extra early to look for you and knock on doors and we found this place and-" The girl started to tremble, Her grip around me beginning to tighten. The male, Who's name was Elijah, Backed away from me with teary eyes. "A-Are you okay? Your neck an-and your legs and-"

"Hey, Calm down okay? Just, come inside and i'll explain everything to you. I'm sure you're freezing." I said with a reassuring smile, hugging the girl slightly tighter before leading the two inside and closing the doors behind them. The both of them looked around the entrance in amazement, It took me grabbing their sleeves and dragging them toward the kitchen to get them to move.

Once we'd gotten into the kitchen the both of them sat down and i went to fill the kettle with some water, setting it on the stove and flicking on the eye. "[Y/N], Is..Is there anybody else here with you?" Erica asked, A slightly worried look on her face. 

The rules..


I let out a nervous laugh and looked over, trying my best to smile. "Well..Yes and no. It's difficult to explain.." I walked over and sat down next to Erica, resting my arms on the table. "We have all day." Elijah said in a joking tone, Taking off his coat and hanging it on the back of the chair he was sitting in. "Is he really making you-"

"Its dad. What else do you expect?" Erica cut me off, Noticeable annoyance and sadness in her tone. "You keep running off..Because of that, He plans on putting a padlock on all the doors once you're back." Her voice was quiet, And the room fell into silence for a moment before Elijah cleared his throat. "If you come back." Erica looked up at him with a scowl on her face, Glaring harshly at him. "Technically, It's your choice. You could just skip town, And we'd be able to find you again once we're 18." 

"But we would be stuck there with him for another three years." Elijah scoffed at this and narrowed his eyes. "Okay and? [Y/N] is fully grown. They should've left ages ago." Erica started to become visibly upset, It was clear the two of them weren't doing too good. "Let's just..Change the subject for now." Erica muttered, lowering her head and grabbing onto her sleeves. "Right. [Y/N], How did you end up here? Is it abandoned, Do you live with a kind soul of some sort?" Elijah asked while crossing his arms and leaning back. "You've only been gone a day, And dad didn't find anything missing, So we assume you aren't paying for this place." I looked away from Elijah for a moment, letting out a nervous sigh and starting to fidget with my hands. "It's..Complicated."

"Well then explain it in the simplest way  you can." There isn't one though. I can't exactly give him the truth, Can i? It'll just make things way harder on me then they need to be, And it wasn't a risk i was currently willing to take.  So i'll just leave out as many bad parts as i can. Which is basically the entire story. "I..I broke into this place thinking it was abandoned and i could stay the night and be out by sunrise. Turns out, It isn't, And some..guy...lives here. He was rightfully unhappy to find a-" I paused for a moment, Sure i could see movement in the corner of my eye.


Guess he did wake up to the banging..

I stared down at the table for a second, All the ways this could go wrong started running through my mind as i shook my head and clenched my arm tightly. "-An intruder in his house, But he was kind enough to bandage up any wounds i had and let me stay as long as i do chores."

"And the very obvious bruise on your neck?" Erica questioned. "Self defense. I wasn't lying when i sad he wasn't happy about it." I glanced over to where the shadow was, And it seemed to have noticed i saw it since it immediatly hid behind the wall. "So you got choked out by some rich guy after you broke into his house and now he just lets you stay here for free?" Okay that sounded less suspicious in my head..

No nevermind, It really didn't.

"How do we know you aren't paying for your stay in a 'different' way?" Erica said with a small smile on her face, While i was relieved she was in  a slightly better mood, I literally could not think of anything to say other then "What the fuck Erica" and "Get out". Elijah however, Found this fucking hilarious. "You really shouldn't fuck with 'em like that Eri, See how red their face is?" Erica let out a quiet giggle as i instinctively hid my face. "I suppose you're right..It wouldn't be nice of me to insult [Y/N]'s sugar da-" I slapped her, hard, In the shoulder. Which caused her to nearly fall out her chair and smack me right back but slightly lighter then i had hit her. "Seriously though, What's this guy like?" Wish i fuckin knew.. "Ah w-well, He's really nice, He owns a doll that's kinda cute, And he's not very good with speaking so he leaves me little notes to communicate." 

"Someone's crushinggg" Erica giggled at this, To which i stood up and leaned forward a bit. "Elijah i will hurt you." I heard something fall over closer to the front of the house, And apparently the other two heard it too since both of their heads shot over to the kitchen door faster than mine did. "The fuck..?" Elijah went to stand, But i placed my hand on his chest and sat him back down. "I-I'll check it out. Just stay here okay?" The both of them seemed visibly hesitant, But they nodded and stayed seated as i left the kitchen and walked toward the entrance of the house, Finding Brahms sitting on the stairs with a folded note in his lap. I carefully grabbed it, Unfolding it and reading it. 

"No guests."

So that was him..

Well shit.

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