★ || 𝟞. 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪'𝕣𝕖 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 || ★

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This Chapter Contains : Swearing, Mentions of abuse, Blood

This is set three days later


 I once again woke up to loud banging on the front door, But this time i kind of expected it. After quickly changing my clothes and being as quiet as i could to get downstairs. The moment i opened the door my stomach sank, Since standing right infront of me were the now very bruised twins. "Holy fuck are you two okay?!" Neither of them said anything, But based off the look in Elijah's eyes it was very obvious what had happened. I hurried the two of them inside and had them sit down in the kitchen, Promising i'd come back before running out the room and looking for anything i could use to clean them up.

Once i got back and was able to start tending to them, Erica had finally started to calm down enough to tell me what had happened. Which, Wasn't much other then "Dad knows" and that was all i needed to know. The moment she said those two simple words i felt nauseous, Like i was going to be sick. My body felt cold, a small stinging sensation in my stomach that would occasionally shoot out to other parts of my body being the only thing keeping me from fainting. "I-It's my fault i-i couldn't take it and he-" 

"Eri, calm down. Okay? you didn't do anything." I said as calmly as i could, But i knew they could tell i was starting to panic. "[Y/N], he's gonna be here in two or three days with whatever bullshit gang he can pull together which we both know is gonna be more then you and this mystery man can handle. We need to get you out of here, Now." Elijah hissed as i ran a rag with some rubbing alcohol on it over a wound on his cheek. "And what about you two? How's he gonna react knowing you helped me get away?" 

"We're gonna go with you." Erica wiped away a few tears from her face and looked at me, The only thing i could really do was look back. "Elijah stole some money from dad and we're gonna run off to a motel in the next town over." Well i guess that solves the money problem..

I looked away and nodded, If i went with them then we'd be free, and i wouldn't have to worry about this place anymore. But was who i assumed was a kid going to let me? Last time i talked about leaving, They didn't seem very fond of the idea. "Let me think-"

"We don't have time to think, [Y/N]! Dad's going to fucking kill you once he gets here, I can just feel it! We need to go now." The room went silent again before Erica cleared her throat. "A day. You have a day to think about it or we'll leave you here."

"Are you fucking serious Erica?"

"Yes, Elijah, I am fucking serious." She hissed, Turning her attention to our very pissed brother. "They seem to be loving it here so much they're willing to get their ass kicked instead of just leaving. We don't have to stick around even though we know what's going to happen."

"I just need a day, Alright?" I said, A bit quieter then i had hoped but thankfully loud enough for the two to hear me. "W-Weird shit has been happening lately. I just need time to think and process everything. Think of what to do next. Come by again in two days and i promise i'll be ready to go." Erica seemed a bit calmed with my response, But all i got from Elijah was an agitated huff. "Erica better drop that stupid fuckin diary then, Or he'll get here before us."

"It's a journal!" Erica slammed her hands down on the table, And despite her obvious frustration, Elijah still chuckled a bit. "Still, We both know that's how dad found out we knew where [Y/N] was." She nodded a bit and lowered her head. The room went silent again, And i could tell that neither of them wished to speak to the other. 

I quickly finished bandaging and cleaning up Elijah and moved over to Erica to start on her. "How long are you two gonna be here?" I asked, Glancing over to Eli. "Not sure. Dads only gonna be gone for an hour or two so we can't stay for too long." I nodded and grabbed a cloth, Wiping away the blood from Erica's nose. "Hows stuff with your mystery man?" I shrugged and looked over for a moment, Before turning my attention back to Eri. "Good, I guess." I said, wiping away some more blood from Erica's cheek. "When can we meet him?" She asked, slightly tilting her head. "Oh well uhm-" I paused for a second, Narrowing my eyes. "H-He's busy. Constantly. Maybe that's why he lets me stay, Though." I smiled, Gently patting Erica's head. "How old is he?" Elijah raised a brow, Resting his head on his hand. "H-He's uhm-" Man it'd be great to actually know who he is. "Well i'm not sure. He's in his twenties though. O-Older then me."

"I smell bullshit." He said flatly, Letting out a small chuckle. "You're good at lying, [Y/N]." I scowled a bit and rolled my eyes."Shut up. I'm not lying."

"Will he be free when we come by again?" I shrugged at the question. "To be honest? I'm not sure. I'll try to convince him to say hi before we leave though." Erica nodded at this, Looking back a the ground while i cleaned her up. "I really hope you come with us, [Y/N]." I bit my cheek a bit, Thinking about what to say. 

I knew i wanted to leave, But i wasn't sure of what to do when i left, Or if the twins even had enough money for all three of us. And since its dad, He'd be calling police and having them search far and wide for us. So it'd probably be easier on them if i stayed behind, Right?

God why does everything have to be so difficult

I hesitantly nodded, Giving Erica a hug. "I promise."

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