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I kept losing the photo so you don't get one this time <3

This Chapter Contains : Swearing, Blood, Violence, Transphobia, Guns, Knives


It's officially been a day now, And despite me being fully prepared to leave, The twins haven't gotten here yet. It was worrying, Since they were still very much stuck with my father and Erika still had that journal she'd occasionally write in. "Did she write it down..?" I muttered as i finished getting whatever i could together. I had found a few seemingly valuable objects when searching the parents room which if i sell should keep us afloat while we're on the run.

Is it bad that i'm stealing from the people who's given me a place to stay..?

I mean, I've never really thought about morals. I've just been doing what i can to survive. But something about stealing from these people who've kept me alive the past few days feels..Wrong. Maybe it's because they've done so much for me, But even if i feel that way as the oldest sister its my job to make sure those two are okay.

I placed the items in my blanket and wrapped them up, As i was doing so i heard a rather violent knock on the front door. It shot a wave of anxiety through me, But soon after that came hope. I was excited sure, But i still decided to be cautious and grab a steak knife before i hurried out the bedroom and down the stairs, Nearly tripping as i made it to the front door and opened it. Seeing what was on the other side, My hope was quickly dashed and replaced with fear.

There stood not only my father, But the bruised and bloodied twins along with three other men as well. "Ahh, There's my favorite daughter." My father said with a sinister smile on his face as he opened his arms for a hug. All i could do was tremble out of fear, I couldn't move. "C'mon bunny, Won't you give daddy a hug?" His voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "H-How did you..-"

"Oh, Well my lovely little Erika wrote it down right here." He pulled out her journal from a bag one of the men was wearing and handed it to me, A clump of Erika's hair being used as a bookmark to show the page she wrote it on. Seeing it made my stomach drop as i looked back up at him. "Now then, It's very cold out so how about you let us in, Hm~?" I glanced over toward Erika as she mouthed the word "please" at me. I could tell if i didn't let them in now things would only escalate.

He was being nice now, But if i don't listen to him things would go sour quickly.

"O-Okay..Sure." I moved over and opened the door wider, Allowing the six into the house and leading them to the kitchen. Everyone but two of the men sat down, The two who didn't stood beside the twins as if they were guarding them. "Now then, Darling," My father started, Leaning back a bit and cracking his knuckles. "How long did you think this little thing," He gestured around the kitchen, Slightly scowling as he did so. "Was gonna work out for you?" 

"I-I.." My body shook violently, And i prayed that nothing bad would happen to the twins. All i could do was look over at them with nothing but worry covering my face. Eventually i let out a shaky sigh and looked my father in his eyes, Trying my best to hide my fear. "I-I am a grown woman. Yo-..You said yourself that if i couldn't handle the way you treated me, Then i could leave and deal with the harsh realities of the world on my own."

"I didn't think you'd be desperate enough to go hunting for some rich cuck and guzzle his balls in exchange for living with him. Is this place really any better then how i treated you, Darling? I bet if anything, He treats you worse." I gritted my teeth, Clenching my fists under the table as i narrowed my eyes. "Fi-First, I am not your 'darling'. My name is [Y/N]. Fucking use it." The pit in my stomach grew, And i raised my voice a bit in hopes of coming across clearer. "Second, I do no such thing. All he asks of me is that I handle chores and cooking for him. None of the weird pervy shit you think about."

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