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[ This Chapter Contains : Swearing, .]

If you recognize any art used in this fic, feel free to credit the artist or claim your art if i use it.

Also, This fic has officially switched to they/them pronouns so from here on out expect gender neutral terms to be used.

I would also like to apologize for taking so long to update, so much has been happening with me lately and honestly updates may continue to be slow.


"Ready to go?" Elijah asked, Readjusting his jacket as he stood by the front door. I nodded whilst i walked towards him, Standing beside him and waiting for Erica to come down as well. Brahms leaned against a wall nearby glaring at us. I had just barely managed to convince him to let us, Or more me, Leave the house for a few hours to speak to my 'family'. He still wasn't too keen on the idea, But he can't really do much to stop me. "H-Here!" Erica shouted as she stumbled into view, Struggling to pull her jacket all the way up as she ran toward us. "Took you long enough." She rolled her eyes and huffed. "I don't get why you're still so mean to me.."

"You wrote down {Y/N}'s location in a 'JoUrNaL' despite knowing dad reads it." He flicked Erica's forehead and she immediately recoiled and let out a surprised yet annoyed gasp, rubbing the spot Elijah had flicked. "Hmph..Don't act like you didn't tell mom you knew they were alive and where they were." Elijah stayed silent noticeably tensed up, before scoffing and storming off toward the front door, Erica following soon after him. I lingered for a second longer, glancing over to brahms who had obvious uncertainty in his eyes. "Do you have to go? Can't it just be them? "

"You expect me to abandon my siblings just for you?" I asked, raising a brow as i crossed my arms. "They're my family, Brahms. I have to keep them safe. And respectfully, this place doesn't exactly hold good memories." 

"The guy one doesn't treat you like family.." He muttered, and in response i let out a sigh. "He's just in a bad mood. And he doesn't like you, so he's going to act that way with me around you because he doesn't like you." His eyes narrowed behind his mask. "You're mom surely can't be better than being here where it's safe."

"My mom didn't murder four people, one of which was my father." He let out a scoff and stomped his foot, before storming off into a random part of the house. Despite appearing like a grown man, he really did behave exactly like a child..

I let out a sigh and turned away, opening the front door and slipping outside.

The feeling of the cold air biting my skin made me shiver, It seemed like the outside was only getting colder and colder as winter slowly came to an end. I expected it since winter here was never fun, But it was still overwhelmingly cold. "So which ways home?" I asked, Elijah glancing over at me and shrugging. "We'll figure it out after the main gate." I nodded and followed them. A couple minutes pass and we end up at the gate, the same gate i stood in front of when i had first run away. Staring at it, though, sparked a question in my mind and i glanced over to Erika. "How did you guys make it over the gate?"

"We climbed." She replied quickly before running at the gate and jumping, clinging onto the bars and climbing over it. Elijah soon did the same, And i was the only one left on that side. "C'mon {Y/N}, can't be that scary can it?"

"Shut up.." I muttered as i attempted to scale the gate for the second time, falling directly on my ass the moment i made it to the other side. I could hear the twins laughing at me and i let out a quiet laugh as i stood up and wiped away any snow that still lingered.  "Get it all out you two.." I said as i rolled my eyes, slightly shoving them forwards and continuing on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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