★ || 𝟙𝟘. 𝕀'𝕝𝕝 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦. || ★

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This Chapter Contains : Swearing, Blood, Violence, Descriptions of  corpses


I walked into the kitchen, Still seeing blood on the ground from where i had stabbed my father. I felt indifferent. If this had happened six years ago i'd feel nothing but guilt, But right now? I don't feel shit. While i was walking through the kitchen, I tripped over something and fell over, Hitting the ground with another loud thud. I let out a groan and sat up, Lifting up my hands to see them drenched in blood. I looked back to see a man laying behind me, I wasn't sure of the identity since his head was bashed in, Blood slowly oozing further and further out into the kitchen. It was splattered everywhere, Like whoever had done it was relentless. 

Fuck..Maybe that was what Elijah was so shaken up about?

There's no way the twins could've done that, It had to have been whoever grabbed me earlier, Which didn't sit right with me. If they were capable of that, Then what would they do to the twins if they mistook them for intrudes as well?If that were the case, I needed to find Erika fast. Before they did. I stood up, Carefully making my way back out the kitchen and calling out for Erika. I didn't get a response, But did hear a bunch of grunting nearby and ran for the direction i had assumed i heard it in.

Which wasn't easy, Since this place was like a maze. 

But  i had managed to find the source of the fighting, And felt my heart skip a beat at the sight in front of me.

There were two men, One of them holding the other in the air by his neck. The one doing so was surprisingly tall, Similar to the person i had seen the night i came here. His hair looked messy and unkept, And he wore a long grey cardigan with black sweatpants. I wasn't able to look at his face until i walked into the room. He turned to look at me with terrifyingly quick speed, His eyes dilating upon seeing me. I recognized the porcelain mask he wore, It looked similar to the face of the doll i've been taking care of the past few weeks.  "[Y-[Y/N].." I wasn't sure how to feel at that exact moment, But I knew instantly if i didn't want to die i needed to decide my next actions carefully.

I didn't really get a chance to think, Since the moment he was distracted with me the man he was holding kicked him directly in the stomach, Causing him to drop him onto the floor and fall to his knees, His breathing noticeably picking up.  

I could tell my presence was what fucked up this situation even more as the man pulled out a gun and aimed it at the masked man's head, Before i could really process anything i found myself tackling him to the ground, Trying to fight the gun out of his hand. It gave the masked man enough time to stand up and then slam his foot down directly on the other mans head. Repeatedly. In attempts to get slightly less blood all over me, I jumped off him and backed away, Not being able to do anything besides watch the scene in front of me. After what i assume was three minutes go by he did eventually stop, And the man no longer moved.

The masked man looked over at me, Standing completely still as he glared daggers into my eyes. I couldn't tell what his emotions were because of the mask, But i felt the overwhelming instinct to get the fuck out of there, Which I would've acted upon if i weren't literally blocked in the room. "[Y-[Y/N]..I said to stay there, It was safe there. Why didn't you listen to me?" His tone was stern, Full of frustration more than anything. Hearing a small child's voice come out of a grown man made this situation even more frightening.

How the fuck was he able to do that so easily?

"I-I needed to. I need to find my family and get out of here." I stood up, Tripping and nearly falling over. Adrenalin was the only thing keeping me going right now, I needed to make good use of it before it wore off. "N-No. You can stay, You need to. I killed them, They can't hurt you now so you can stay." He moved forward and grabbed my arm, Pulling me closer to him. "I-I can't just stay because they're dead. Wha-What if police come here looking or my mom comes after me too?" He paused for a moment, Glancing off before looking back at me. "I'll kill them too." I narrowed my eyes. While in some other world this would be considered sweet or something, This was not that world. "Look i can't okay? We need to leave before someone else comes after us."

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