Chapter 1

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Two weeks Later... Lubbock Texas...

   I was getting ready to see if I was ready to be accepted into my dream college as a video game designer today. I graduated from high school a year ago but had to save up for college to make sure I have the education I need. As I waited in the administration office of the campus, I looked on my phone and saw texts of my friends saying they are having a drinking party tonight.

"Stanton Keene?!" A secretary called out my name.

   I headed inside and had a seat and the administrator turned to face me. He knows that he was neutral on this and besides it was my third time trying to enroll into Texas Tech.

"Mr. Keene. What part of not qualified don't you understand?" He asked.

"Well, I been improving better on what I want to do in the future and you know I graduated with honors." I tried to reason with him.

"Stanton, We know that you graduated with good grades in your core classes. The problem is you didn't do so great in video game design in the first two years of high school." He explains.

"Yeah, but I improved in my third and fourth year of coding and learning how to do digital design. I even studied at home on it." I explained.

"The point is that we need someone with enough training to do these advanced classes in video game design. For the third time, you are not qualified to enroll here. I'm sorry."

"What do you want me do? I worked hard to reach this far, come on, give me a chance." I spoke.

"I'm sorry Stan, you need more training on video game design, I say go to a community college. We're done here." He says.

"No, we're not, I can't just quit on this." I said as I stood up.

"Life is full of disappointments. So understand that not every dream can come true. So get out of my office and don't even try again on the forth attempt on your application because I can just skim through it." The administrator says as he turned his chair away from me.

"Fine then, I'll see you hell." I said with spite before I left.

    I walked back to my car and sat on the driver seat in anger and disappointment. I laid my head on the steering wheel for a couple of minutes trying to calm down and not cause a scene. I drove back to an apartment complex where I live and headed inside and sat down on the couch.

"Why some people are assholes to others for no reason?" I asked myself.

   I heard my phone ring and I noticed it was my friend but I wasn't even in the mood to answer it. I decided to calm my nerves and started watching some Netflix on my TV to pass some time.

   Meanwhile in some abandoned warehouses at downtown. Krystal finnaly woke up and noticed that she was tied up to a chair and duct tape was over her mouth. She look around and saw the same FOA soldiers having a their own conversation.



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