Chapter 4

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The girls fired back at the enemy soldiers and Nika signaled Dasha to flank them. Loona bullet holed a lynx in the forehead and moved me closer to her as she advances. Dasha went around and throws a flash grenade.

"Flash!" The dog soldier shouted as he tried to jump out of the way.

The flash bang went off and the enemies were stunned, and bullets went through them when Loona and Nika fired.

"Push forward!" Loona shouted as she picked me up and they ran to the elevator.

Nika mashed the button repeatedly as she panicked for the elevator. More FOA soldiers jumped through the windows and started firing at them. Krystal dragged me to cover and helped Loona and Dasha fire back.

"How many are there?!" Loona asked as she reloads her assault rifle.

"There's six of them." Krystal answers as she shoots one down.

"Come on! Hurry you damn elevator!" Nika shouted as she waited impatiently and shot back.

Dasha reloads and fires a grenade from her rifle and blew the soldiers away, but more were coming in.

"Elevator's open!" Nika shouted as she ran in with me in her arms.

The other girls slowly walked backwards while firing and got in the elevator. Dasha pushed the ground floor button and mashed the close door button to close the elevator doors faster. A FOA Doberman soldier tried to run at them. Nika then pulled out of shotgun and blasted the enemies head into pieces before the door closes.

"That was close." Dasha shouted.

"Damn FOA Soldiers... Looks like they won't let us go without a fight." Nika says.

"Because I know what they are planning. They are going to see if they can take over humanity and their world. And since they know Stan knows about our undercover secret, they are planning to use him later as a mind control soldier." Krystal explains.

"Over my dead body! They won't get away with that!" Loona shouted.

"Same here! I'm tired of them trying to take over living planets." Dasha says.

"That's why were the UFE. We have a duty to protect other planets and other living races." Krystal says.

"Right. Any enemies waiting for us at the first floor?" Nika asked.

"No. They don't know that were going down right now to the first floor, but there are a few enemies scouting around for us." Krystal explains as she uses her telepathic powers.

"We're almost there. We just need to run out the front entrance to our ship that is not far." Dasha says.

"We better hurry because the human police forces are coming to our location." Krystal says.

"What could be worse?" Loona asked.

"Don't say that!" Dasha shouted.

"Uhhh..." I moaned as I started to wake up a bit.

"Shit... he's waking up and I don't have anymore sedation." Loona says.

"Hang on. I got this." Krystal says as she walked up to me and places her hand on my forehead and uses her telepathic and soothe my mind back to a deep sleep.

Just then the elevator reached to the ground floor, and the girls we're ready to fight their way out. Krystal picked me up and carried me as the other girls fought their way out. Loona threw a frag and blew a couple of enemy furs into pieces. Nika then ran out and fired her rifle and shot down the remaining FOA soldiers and ran out the front entrance.

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