Chapter 19

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  The next day during the afternoon, Nika and I were forced out of the hotel by the others just to make us have time together just so we can have common ground, and a friendship. I never liked the idea since Nika gets on my nerves. She doesn't like the idea either since she wanted to do her own thing, but we don't have a choice.

"Can't believe I have to deal with you. I have plans for myself today." Nika complains.

"Like drinking too much, and then acting like an idiot." I asked.

"Shut up or I'll break your nose." Nika threatens,

"You won't do shit, Dasha will put you down if you put your hands on me, and Krystal is keeping a close eye on us with her telepathic gift." I warned her.

"Just shut up." Nika demanded.

"You're the one talking too much." I smarted off at her.

I heard Nika growl at me, but I didn't care as I headed inside the restaurant first as she followed me.

A sabretooth tiger waitress kindly escorted both of us to an available booth table.

"Anything to drink?" The waitress asked.

"Leopard light beer." Nika answers.

"Furry cola." I asked.

  The waitress nodded as she left to get our drinks. We both look at the menus to see what we should have for lunch. The awkwardness made me not have much of an appetite so I only decided to have a turkey club sandwich with potato chips. The intensity between us is still high as Nika gave me an angry stare since she thought I was just staring at her. I wasn't since I just thought she wanted to smart off at me for her entertainment. The waitress came back and noticed the hostility between us as she was a little concerned while serving our drinks.

"Is everything okay here?" She asked with concern.

"Yes, everything is fine." Nika lies with a fake smile.

"Yeah, everything is good." I lied as well with a smile that was fake.

"Ok. Are you two ready to order?" The waitress asked while pulling her notebook out.

"I'll just have the turkey club sandwich with potato chips." I answered.

"I'll have the 15 barbecue flavored wings with ranch." Nika says.

The waitress wrote down our orders and took our menus and left.

  I tried to look away to the window just to avoid making eye contact with her since she wanted to try my patience for the fun of it since she stared at me intensely. I started to feel my patience and tolerance is starting to reach the breaking point that I want to blurt out something to get back at her, and she knows it.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." I said with a little anger.

"Sounds like you want to say something to me." She says in a taunting tone.

"Why are you such an asshole to me and everyone you know?" I asked.

"I'm just that way to people. Deal with it." She says while annoyed.

"You are so immature to be honest. You have no reason to be like that to others, and to me. I feel like you have a problem that is bothering you." I said while skeptical.

"When did you start caring about my problems?" She asked while a little angry.

"Because I'm in your team now, and I tried to be nice and tolerant to you. All I want is to open up to you so we can have common ground in the future. I just want to know why you are just inconsiderate to me and our friends, and maybe we can get along. Which is a moral thing to do." I explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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