Chapter 18

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    I rolled my eyes at Nika's childish behavior before I grabbed a box of beef and broccoli with lo mein, and some egg rolls and a cup of side before I sat down with Krystal. We all stayed quiet while we ate since we were tired and mentally disturbed from the battle of pushing away the enemy from Corneria. I was in deep thought of horrible images of seeing soldiers being killed in front of me, especially seeing a group of soldiers getting blown into limbs by a tank shell.

  Krystal was a little concerned about me as I wasn't myself after that as she read my mind by her telepathic. She gave Dasha an eye gesture to talk to him.

"You sound quiet, are you doing alright Stan?" Dasha asked after she swallowed her food.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered before taking another bite." I answered before taking another bite.

   Dasha then looked at Krystal and they doubted that I'm fine after what we endured. Nika then rudely turned on the TV just to get rid of the awkwardness around the room. Krystal sighed quietly in frustration since she wanted me to open up to them, but decided to do it later in private.

   We all just watched random shows until Nika Loona and Nika argued about what we should watch. Nika wanted to watch a boxing tournament, but Loona wanted to watch some rock and roll concert that was on and they were fighting over the remote.

"Let go bitch!" Loona shouted as she grabbed the remote from Nika's grasp.

"You let go!" Nika shouted back as she pulled back on the remote.

   They keep fighting until Krystal smacks them both in the back of the head, and takes the remote from them and turns off the TV.

"Can you two grow up? This is a time that we should all relax and get along!" She shouted in frustration.

"Ok, fine." Loona says as she raised her hands up

   Nika just huffed like a little girl while crossing her arms. Krystal stayed calm as she decided to go to the hotel's swimming pool to relax and wanted me to come along. I was about to say no, but Dasha picked me up and carried me there.

"Hey. That's not necessary." I said as I tried to get down.

"Just let me carry you." Dasha says with a smirk as she keeps me over her shoulder.

   I just sighed as a few bystanders started staring and laughing a little. I blushed in embarrassment. We headed to the swimming pool area and we headed to the fitness room as we rented some swimwear. Found some swimming trunks that are my size and they fit perfectly. I headed to the pool and it was kind of quiet. There weren't many furs swimming in the pool, but all I wanted was just to relax in the small jacuzzi. I felt more calm as the warm water warmed me up and I almost closed my eyes for a second. Dasha and Krystal joined in to cuddle with me. I felt Dasha put her arm around me as my head was resting on her left breast. Krystal tried not to laugh while she closed her eyes and relaxed with us in the jacuzzi.

I started to feel more relaxed but still couldn't get the bad images of the battle in my head.

Six hours earlier...

   After the battle of pushing away the FOA from Corneria, We were all assigned to collect bodies of our fallen allies of the UFE to be sent back to Furtopia to have a heroic burial of their sacrifices. FOA soldiers that were killed, were collected and burned in a pile. The Alpha team and I were somewhere at Corneria Square that was closed off from Civilians from entering while we cleaned up the bodies.

"This is too much to handle mentally." Nika says as she places a Dragon soldier in a body bag.

"You're not the only one, Nika. I knew some of the people that had fallen, had families." Loona sadly says as she carries a body bag to a dropship.

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