Chapter 6

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I was escorted from the ship and was taken inside a huge skyscraper which I believe is the empress's home. There were many journalists and reporters taking pictures of me and asking the empress questions about the discovery of my home planet and how to take care of the FOA from invading. I didn't like the attention at all since now I'm being mentioned to the furry society and it won't be easy if I had to walk out in public from now on.

"Empress Erica, is it true that the human race knows about us?" A anthro hyena asked.

"Empress, is it true that we will be able to interact with humanity?" A fox reporter asked.

  While she tried to answer their questions to the reporters, a few royal guards intervened and escorted me out of the chaos and was taken to a lounge and the guards told me to wait here until Erica deals with the situation.

  I heard the doors clicked when the guard left the room, which means I can't be able to leave. I took a look around and tried to get rid of my boredom. I looked at few picture frames and see a few furs of the royal family.

I saw a picture of a King and a Queen with a young wolf that looks like Empress Erica at a young age. I put the photo down and looked out the window to see the amazing view of the futuristic city of Furtopia.

  There was many ships flying around as transportation and mag rail trains as well. Even the technology is far more advanced and better than human technology that we use. I was impressed of how furs succeed in their society for the future. 

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Erica asked as she walked up behind me.

"Yes it is." I answered.

"Furtopia was a peaceful place of all anthropomorphic that we work together as family and a peaceful society to build in the future. Even though there were disagreements, we find a way to get along perfectly." She explains as she escorted me out into a hallway.

"You ever had wars or anything like protest, or corruption in the government system?"I asked.

"Not much, since we take everything seriously in our society. We had a couple wars in the past with the FOA ,but here we able to get along to make make world peace come true. And even there are rules to some rights to my people that they have follow or they will be punished to avoid protest. And if there was someone that caused corruption here in the council of the government and found guilty will get the death penalty." She explains.

"I see. What's going to happen to me now?" I asked.

"You are under protection of the United Fur Empire. You will be living with my most trusted soldiers from now on. Since our enemy, The Fur Overlord Army could be after you, and since you are the first human even stepped on Furtopia soil, the society will overrun you since you are famous." She explains.

"Is there any chance that I can head back home to Earth?" I asked.

"Im afraid not. You know our secret operation, and it will caused a panic to your race and they could cause an unnecessary war with us since humans shoot first and talk second." Erica explains.

"But my family, my friends are... back there."  I spoke with a little sadness.

"I know that's hard for you of leaving everyone you loved, but..."

"But what? I can't just forget my parents, my sister, my best friends I grew up with. You don't know how hard that is for me now! You can't do that to me!" I shouted.

"Child, for the sake of your life, for humanity, and for ours, you have to."

"I can't okay? I just want to go home and forget all this and have my normal life. I belong back on Earth! My family is on Earth! This is was a misunderstanding! Your soldiers jumped the gun! I don't blabber secrets either! I just want to go home!" I shouted and tried to make a run for it to see if I can escape.

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