Chapter 3

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    I was unconscious in the ambulance and I was taken out and was transferred inside the hospital and was taken to the operation room getting treatment for my injuries by my accident. A fractured wrist, a broken leg, and a concussion. The doctor spent a few minutes getting my limbs in a cast and did a cat-scan on my head and luckily my head injury wasn't really serious.

"Ok he's good to go. Take him to room 879." The doctor asked the nurse.

"Yes sir." The nurse says as she moves me on the stretcher to the room.

Meanwhile, the girls were able to make it to the hospital. They were in their human disguises and Krystal uses her telepathic to find where I'm at in the building.

"Where is he Krystal?" Loona asked.

"Top floor, room 879." Krystal answers.

"Top floor? Are you kidding me?" Nika asked in frustration.

"Nope. I'm not. We better hop to it or the Empress won't be happy about it." Krystal says.

"I just want to go home." Dasha says.

The four headed inside and changed their human disguises with nurse clothing to blend in. Fortunately the workers and nurses never suspected any suspicions.

"Where are we supposed to go anyway?" Dasha asked.

"Yeah, this place is like a maze and what's worse is that my communication watch is low on battery that my human disguise will wore out any minute." Loona says with worry.

"The elevators are down this hall and we just need to go to the eighth floor., but we better hurry because my communication watch is low on power by my human disguise as well." Krystal says as she pushes the button to the elevator.

The girls waited and got in and went up and hoping they would make it to my room in time before their human disguises wears off. The elevator stopped a few time when a couple of visitors or doctors needed to go to the upper floors. It was awkward to the girls to stay quiet and to avoid attention.

Loona looked at her watch and only has a little power left to keep her human disguise active and Nika was tapping her foot on the as she becomes desperate as they passed the 7th floor. The elevator stops and the 4 made it and tried to find room 879.

Krystal stopped for a sec and uses her telepathic to find my location and went right around the corner. They acted natural as a doctor walked passed them and the room was just ahead but Nika started to feel her fur features started to return as her watch started to run out of power and ran in first. The others did the same and went and closed and locked the door as they returned to their normal fur selves as their human disguises vanish.

"Great, now we are trapped here." Nika says as she looks out the window.

"Yeah, but at least we found our human. Man he's so cute up close to be honest." Dasha says as she sat close to me.

"Check his injuries." Loona commanded.

Dasha did so with a scanner and check around my body and said, " Fractured left wrist, broken left leg, and a mild concussion. All he needs is a nano shot.


Nano Shot———————-

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Nano Shot

Dasha brought one out of her backpack and injected me with it as the serum inside, instantly healed my bones and my injuries. I jolted a bit by the side effect which scared the girls but I fell back to sleep.

Loona started cutting my casts off my arms and examining my limbs to see if they healed properly and told Nika to find my clothes. Nika looked in the closet and found my clothes and my phone, my wallet and my keys.

"Looks like I found some Identification of our little friend." Nika says as she viewed my driver's license.

"Let me see." Krystal says as she looks.

"His name is Stanton Keene, he's 21 and he lives in this address here." Krystal announces.

"Well, we know who he is now, but now we just need time for our watches to recharge before we leave. Two hours minimum." Loona says.

"What if he wakes up or someone comes in here?" Dasha asked.

"Its 11pm and that's means that most of the nurses and doctors will leave for the night. And we just need to stay quiet." Krystal explains.

"And if he ever wakes up, I have some sedation to put him back to sleep." Loona says.

"What should we do while we wait for our watches to recharge?" Nika asked

  "You guys can rest, I'll keep watch." Loona says as she stays close to the window and looks out of the blinds to the hallway.

As an hour passed, it was midnight and many doctors and nurses left after their shifts are over. Many lights in the hallway were turned off and became quiet and dark inside. There were only a few cops scouting around the hallways. Loona stays quiet and keeps watch while the other girls are resting and Dasha was sleeping on the available bed.

What they don't know is that the FOA sent a couple of furs to apprehend the Loona's team and tries to attempt to capture me since they I found who they are as well.

"Ok, capture those damn UFE soldiers and also that human since he knew about us now." Commander Kelsey commanded.

"Yes commander." We will get it done." A lynx soldier says as she goes into a human disguise as a cop.

They snuck in and sees a cop and waits for him to come closer. The Dog soldier grabbed the human cop and knocked him out with a smack in the back of the neck.

"He's down, start looking around." He says as he and the other FOA soldiers to look around.

Meanwhile, Loona looked at her watch and had enough power to use their human disguises to be able to at least get out of the hospital to their ship that is invisible and parked on the huge grassy courtyard behind the hospital.

"Girls, wake up! It's time to go." Loona shouted.

Dasha and Krystal woke up fast, but Nika moaned and ignored her until Krystal smacked her in the back of the heard hard.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" Nika shouted.

I jolted a little and woke up the shouting and saw the monsters and freaked out.

"Dammit Nika, you woke him up!" Loona shouted as she went at me.

I jumped off the bed fast and was about to run out the door, but Dasha was fast enough and pulled me into her arms.

"Let me go! What do want from me?!" I shouted as I struggled.

"Just please calm down! We are trying to help you!" Dasha says.

"Help me?! You tried to kidnap me you monsters!" I shouted.

Just then Loona softly injected some sedation into my arm and said, "Just sleep Stan, we will explain everything while you wake up. Just close your eyes."

I feel back to sleep an Dasha picked me up and carried me out the door as she goes into her human disguise.

"Krystal, get his things." Loona commanded before going in her human disguise.

As they headed out of the room quietly while Dasha was carrying me over her shoulders. Just then Krystal knew they aren't alone.

"Look out! FOA soldiers!" Krystal shouted as she sees a couple of enemy furs firing at them.

They dodged and got behind cover and got ready to fire back.

"God fucking dammit!" Loona shouted in frustration while firing back.

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