Part 2 ~ Set up

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Mature Language


George wakes up to the sound of his alarm. He groans and gets up to turn it off. He streaches his arms out and yawns.

God this is gonna be a boring day.. (and a boring chapter 🥱)

He gets out of bed and walks to his closet and grabs a blue t-shirt with black sweats since he won't be doing much. He grabs his blue cape and throws it over his shoulders.

He hears a knock on his door. "come in!" he shouts from inside... no answer.. he turns towards the door and sees no one was there...


He turns back around and he heard the knock again "Ranboo stop playing with me!" He walked up to the door and opened it for Ranboo... but they weren't there..

what the fuck is going on...

He went downstairs towards the dining room. As he walked into the room he saw Ranboo running towards him, out of breath.

"I'm so sorry Prince George! I slept in!" Ranboo bowed down Infront of george, panting rapidly. "What do you mean you woke up late.. you were litterly at my door like less than an hour ago.."

"I was in the guards room, your highness"

George sighs "its George, just george"

"But thats against th-"

"I don't care, Formalities are old now. Its george"

"Anyways uhh.. george... Your meeting the royal family of Crimson today"


"They threatened us again but see, the Prince, Clay, refused and wants to talk about it and make an alliance."

"Wasn't he the one who planned all the wars and conflicts between all of us since he was like what 10?!"

"Yes George, but he said he's changed. Him and his guard, sapnap, are coming soon so go get ready"

George went upstairs and Ranboo followed behind him.

what the fuck does he (Clay) want?

He went inside of his room, while Ranboo stayed outside. He walked over to his closet and put on a white button up top with black pants, he threw his Cape over his shoulders again and walked outside to his balcony. He walked up to the railing and lent on it, looking in the distance.

He still hasn't checked his phone and is not going to for another while since on what happened on twitter. we are not gonna talk about that right now. His parents haven't talk to him since that happened.

He heard a car driving into the gate. He looked down and it was the Prince. He sighed and went back inside to his room. He opened his door and started walking down the stairs, ignoring Ranboo.

"Is he here yo- George?"

"Yes" George replied dryly


They both started to walk down the stairs and towards the main entrance. His mother and father are already waiting there.

"George, When they come in we will go to the meeting room to talk with prince clay, after you have to take clay up to your room so we can discuss other stuff with the king and Queen." his mother said with a serious tone.

George did a simple nod and stood there patiently with Ranboo behind him and his parents on the left side of him.

The door started to open slowly and the Crimson kingdom royals walked in.

"Hello its nice to finally meet yous without war" Clay siad in a calm voice

George stared at him in disgust. He recognise the blonde, but from somewhere... he remembered the mask... the blonde hair.... but where?

"Nice to meet you too Prince clay!" the queen said with a smile. "Shall we talk?" she added

Clay nodded and they all followed the Queen into the meeting room.

"By the way my mother and father couldn't join us, I'm terribly sorry" Clay added and they walked into the meeting room.

"That's all good prince Clay" the Queen replied with a soft smile and closed the meeting room door.

They all sat down and the Queen started "Now, Prince Clay, you want an alliance correct?"

"That is very much correct"

"And why's that?"

"Well, we've been in war for many years and it's just getting tiring...... since we still haven't won yet"

everyone froze. Clay started laughing and we started to hear screaming outside.

This was a set up...


(words 765)

Hey future people! It was Halloween when I wrote this so happy Halloween!!! Hope you are enjoying this so far<33 I promise yous that they will get more interesting 😭 I love you all dearly!!


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