Part 6 ~ Plan

178 4 4

Mature Language



"Come down georgee!" karl said giggling. George turned to look into his room and then turned back.

Karl was gone..

what the fuck..

"I'm over here georgee!" he heard a voice behind him say. He turned around and no one was there.

what's going on..

is my mind playing tricks on me..

"Phil if this is one of your stupid goddamn jokes I swear to god!" George shouted at the door, hoping philza would walk threw.. no luck..

"Phil I swear to god! I will murder you!!" He walked towards the door and slammed it open.

No one was there.

what is going on..

George closed his door and slid down it, hugging his knees and started rocking back and forth.

"oh georgee~"

"I'm here george~"

"Come get mee~"

He heard all around him. He covered his ears.

"Stop it.. stop it... stop it..." he kept repeating to himself over and over again, still rocking back and forth.


Clay's POV

"Are you being for real?" sapnap questions clay. "Oh I'm positive sapnap.. I'm sick of this, I honestly am.. I don't know what made me think this but.. I'm sick of it! the wars etc."

"You must be joking..." sapnap repeated. Clay chuckled and layed down on his bed

"Obviously I am Sap! Haha! I can convince people that easily damn. So this will work perfectly"

"That means you will be killed.."

"Me? killed? no absalutly not"

"If you say so"

"We went over the plan sap, All the Prince and Princesses meet, obviously I'll save a few people who we have an
alliance with.. well one kingdom, Las Nevadas and maybe l'manburg but that's besides the point. The main kingdom I wanna fake an alliance with is Cosmo, They have one of the most strongest guard forces, but their Prince is weak as fuck so he won't be hard to take down, For the first month or two.. I'll visit Cosmo every other day to gain more of their trust, then you sapnap, the week after that one or two months.. might extend it, I'll sneak you in and our other guards and we will kill the royal family of Cosmo! Simple!"

"Simple?! Clay this is not simple whatsoever. Besides, you know how stubborn Prince George is"

"Don't worry, I will be able to get his trust"

"And how's that?"

"You will see sap, anyways you can head back to your room. Goodnight"

Sapnap sighs and head towards the door. "Goodnight clay"


Clay catches the Teddy that has fallen from the other prince's balcony. He looks at it and runs off to the woods.

He run behind a tree and sat underneath it, admiring the teddy

'this could be useful for the future' he thought and smiled

'Can easily bribe the Prince..'



(words 498)

very short chapter yes yes I know. Anywayssss I can't wait for the story to go on :D ily guysss!! mwahh! 


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