Part 16 ~ Found

117 4 6

Mature Language
Mention of pills, drinking, death..?



George's hasn't heard from dream in a few hours and he is getting worried.

Usually Dream messages george 24/7 with george the one not responding but now it's the opposite.

He spam called him but it went back to the same voicemail message everytime

George was debating on weather to go and visit dream or just stay in his bed and wait.

He paced back and forth in his room not knowing what to do.

A few seconds later he heard someone knock on the door. "Come in" He said, still pacing back and forth

Minx walked in and froze "Woah you don't look to hot"

"Oh really? Maybe it was my birthday yesterday and I drank shit" He laughed

"Hm true and also you look.. stressed.. you good?"

"Don't worry about it"

"George I am going to worry about it, your pacing back and forth this whole time and your playing with your hands"

"Would you be worried if your friend can swollow a pill without water?"

"What..? what are you trying to say"

"okay fine.. I am worried or stressed about something.. Well someone.."

George sat down and slumped back. Minx walked up to him and sat next to him "Talk to me"

"It's.. dream.. he came over here last night and he-"

"Woah woah woah hold on, He came over here?? In your room??"

"Yes now let me continue.. So him, quackity and wilbur came over yesterday night for my birthday and quackity brought drinks.. and um obviously dream had some then he was blackout drunk and-"

"George he's 17 he shouldnt be drinking.."

"SHUT UP AND LET ME FINISH GODDAMNIT!!" George streamed then signed, Minx just sat there shocked

"Anyways.. um I didn't want him going back to his kingdom and risk him getting caught so then I brought him upto my room and um then he um woke up and said he had to leave but before leaving he said that his head was killing him and I told him were the pain killers and and then he sollowed it without water..."

"Woah that's a lot Umm but how did he swollow pills"

"that's what I'm wondering and worrying about since he hasn't reposnded to me in hours.."

"Do you know if he is on any medication or not..?"

"Not that I know of..."

"I have no clue then, some people can just swollow pills without water but some can't"

"No but you see, I asked him how he can do that and he said don't worry about it.."

"Then do not worry about it if he said not to"

"You are absolutely no help"

Minx laughed and said "I know" before getting up and heading towards the door

"Now your just gonna leave??"


"Wow  your so mean wow wow wow"

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