Part 13 ~ Grounded

120 4 3

Mature Language
Mentions of punching,



Dream came back to Crimson and there were people everywhere. "Did my mom tell everyone..." He muttered to himself.

The guard opened the door for Dream and he got out. His mother was waiting by the door.

"H-hi mother" He stuttered walking up to her. "Don't talk until I tell you too. Come with me"

Dream followed his mother inside and then into her office. She sat down and Dream followed.

His mother put his diary onto the table. Dream sat there not making eye contact with her.

"What is this?!" she said in a serious tone. Dream ignored her and was still looking down

"Clay do not ignore me! what is this??"


"Sure sure nothing. What is this?"

"Why were you looking threw my stuff anyway..? its none of your business.."

"Well it clearly is now since your hiding stuff from me!"

"And I'm hiding them for good reason!" Dream voice slightly raising

"Do not raise your voice on me mister"

"And what if i do?? You can't do shit!!"


"lAnGuAgE. No! you looked threw my stuff without my fucking permission!! And so what if I like george?! you can't change my fucking mind and my feelings!"

Dreams mother didn't know what to say. Dream wasn't wrong to what he was saying

"Clay your grounded"

"For what?! I'm 17 and your fucking grounding me and for what?! just because I'm saying the fucking truth??"

"I don't care you are grounded. you cannot leave the castle until your 18"

"Excuse me what?!? 18?? my birthday is in 6 goddamn months I'm not waiting that fucking long!!"

"I don't care clay. You can go now"

"I fucking hate you" Dream got up and left his mom's office, slamming the door behind him

He climbed up the stairs and went to his room. He slammed his door and instently broke down.

He slid down the door and had his knees to his chest and his hands in his hair, pulling it slightly.

He took off his mask and threw it across the room.

"FOR FUCK SAKE!" He screamed and punched the wall beside him, multiple times.

He looked at his knuckles which are now red and very swollen.

He got up and went to his bed and grabbed his phone to message george

hey are you okay?


what happened? why
did your mother bring
you home?

one I'm grounded
and that's because
she found my diary
and now she is mad

Dream I'm so sorry..
do you know when you
can visit me again?

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