Part 19 ~ Confess

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Mature Language


Dream and George are both at the front desk, waiting for dream to be signed out.

"And you are free to go Prince Clay"

"Thank you" Dream said in a forced happy tone

George laughed a little since its so obvious he was forcing that.

"Of course" The person at the desk said. Dream and George turned around and Dream shoved him as they were walking out.

"Oi what was that for??"

"You being an idiot!" They both laughed and they headed towards the car.

Both of their guards came so they had to separate. Just as george was about to turn around dream stopped him

George looked up at him confused.

Dream closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Meet me where we went for your birthday okay?" He said while opening his eyes

"Wait why.. your scaring me"

"Good" Dream laughed "And you will see" Dream added and smiled

Dream let go of George and got into the car, George still standing there.

"dickhead get in!" Minx screamed from the window. George jumped slightly and walked to the car

He got in and minx looked at him with a concerned face.

"You good? you look terrified"

"I am! that mother fucker is scaring me!!"

"What did he say now?"

"To meet him were we went for my birthday"

"Not suspicious at all"

"Shut the fuck up don't make me overthink it even more!"

Minx only laughed and nodded to the other guard that he can start driving.

George lend his elbow on the window to use to support his head. He laid his head down and closed his eyes, dozing off.


"Bitch wake the fuck up!" minx shaking george for about 2 minutes

George opens his eyes slowly and looks at her "What do you want!!"

"We are at the castle!"

George rolled his eyes and got out of the car. He started walking towards the door and saw his mother standing there with a worried look

"oh my god george!" She said, running towards him with open arms and wraps them around george

"I was worried sick!"

"I'm fine mom.." He said, getting out of her grip and looked at her

"How's clay?"

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