Part 7 ~ Meet up

180 6 6

Mature Language
Mention of Halusinations


George POV

George wakes up at 6.30am. Today was the day of the prince's and princesses of each kingdom of the country will meet and will make peace.

George walks over to his closet and put on black ripped jeans, white button up top, his convears and his blue cape.

George goes down stairs and sees minx at the door. "Minx!" He said walking over to her

"You ready to go to the meeting?" George rolled his eyes "Mmm nope!"

"Well to bad we are leaving now"

"Ugh why! I don't what to go!!"

"Well you have to gogs come on" George sighed and followed minx out of the door. They got into the car and started driving.

Minx looked over at george "how are you feeling george?" she asked calmly. "terrified" He replied, looking back at her.

"You'll be fine I promise you."

"Thanks minx" George smiled and look back out the window. "Of course"


They finally arrived at the place were everyone was meeting. Minx opened the door for George. "Thanks" he said getting out. "Anytime"

They started walking towards the door and saw Karl with his guard. He ran towards him and hugged him. "Karl!!" he screamed out of joy. "Oh my god george! it's been so long!!" karl said hugging him back.

"what do you mean it's been so long you were litterly messing with me last night! I thought I was going insane!" Karls eyes widened. "I wasn't at Cosmo yesterday.. are you okay george?"

George froze "But you were calling me and like disappearing I don't know! but you were there! I heard you!"

"I wasnt there george..."

"Whatever let's go inside, Minx come on" George said turning to minx and Karl's widened once again.

"why did you bring minx" he whispered

"Well ranboo got injured so minx is now my guard" George said proudly

"She's the assassin george"

"Oh I know that's why I brought her here! everyone is scared of her and no one will touch me! let's just go"

They walked in and saw so many people...

Niki, princess of L'manburg

Quackity, Prince of Las Navadas

Karl, Prince of Kinoko Kingdom

Hannah, Princess of the egg empire

Antfrost, Prince of the Badlands

and lastly.. Prince Clay from Crimson

"Welcome everyone! I'm glad everyone showed up" Clay said in a happy tone.

George walked over to the only seat left which was beside Clay. he rolled his eyes and sat down on the chair, instently slumping down and crossing his arms.

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