Part 8 ~ Dreams

166 5 8

Mature Language


"What did he want?"

"He's coming for dinner tomorrow. 7.30"

"excuse me what?! he's coming for dinner?? You must be joking!!"

"I'm not.."

"Your so stupid george"

"Shut up!"

Both of them walk to the car as their driver waits for them. "Thanks" George thanked as he sat in the back of the car and looking out of the window.

"Why am I doing this? I'm so fucking stupid!" he muttered to himself and he looked down at his hands.


George woke up to minx slapping him. "What the fuck was that for???" George complained as he has his hand on his cheek from where minx slapped him.

"You weren't waking up" Minx said as she was getting out of the car. "That doesn't give you the reason to slap me!" He followed minx out of the car. "Mmm I think it is a reason"

They started walking back to the castle. "I have to go tell my parents about the dinner" George sighed as they started walking towards his father's office.

He knocked "Can I come in" He asked. "Come in" His father said from the other side of the door.

He walked in and closed the door behind him. "It's just one simple sentence so don't turn this into a lecture like you always do"

"I won't don't worry what's up?"

"Prince Clay and his parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow"

"Well that's wonderful! what time?"


"Great thanks for that George. I'll let your mother know"

"Thanks" George leaves and closes the door. He turns to minx and she is just laughing at him. "What have I done!" George whines "Your an absolute idiot!" "Shut up I know that!"

George starts walking up the stairs with minx following him "You know you can leave me alone right?" George finally says when he us almost at his room "Wait really?" Minx eyes widen

"Then I'm fucking out of here!" Minx adds and runs down the stairs. George stood there laughing then entered his room.

He jumped onto his bed and stared at the flag on his ceiling. He smiled and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


George wakes up and rubs his eyes.

'God what time is it?' He thought as he looked outside and it was dark. He checked his clock and it was 2.10am

"Jeez how long was I asleep for?" He got out of his bed and walked to his bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. He dropped his head down trying not to cry.

'why do I care so much?' George thought and he felt tears forming in his eyes. He looked back up and looked at his shirt. The yellow ribbon..

He took it off and held it to his heart "I miss you brother... if only I knew that that was the last time I'll ever hear you speak to me..." He said in between cries.

He quickly wiped his tears and put the ribbon back on his shirt. He shakes his hands like he always does to calm down and goes back into his room. He fell back onto his bed and fell asleep


George wakes up in the middle of snow Chester. He looks around, confused as hell "hello?" he said, Trying to see if anyone was there.

He started walking towards a familiar house. Technos house.. He starts running towards it with tears now falling down his eyes.

He finally reacted his house and ran inside. He looked straight ahead and saw techno.. "B-brother.." George stuttered slowly going towards techno.

"It looks like I made it into your dream" Techno said walking up to george. "W-what do you mean by dream.." "I've been trying for so long.. I couldn't tell you this because I knew you wouldn't understand.. but george.. I'm so goddamn proud of you.." Techno said.

George, who was now sobbing, hugs his brother tightly.....


George woke up out of breathe and in tears. He brings his knees to his chest and hugs them to calm down. He check the time once more, its 3.29am.

George hears a knock on his window. He turns to look at it and sees no one is there. Get gets out of bed and turns on his lights, heading towards the window. He looks threw and sees him...



(words 760)



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