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Madam Pomona Sprout is concerned, a few hours ago the school wards transferred over to her unexpectedly. Normally she wouldn't be that concerned, as it just means that both the Head Master, Deputy Head, and Filius were out of the castle. Which given it's the summer holidays, isn't actually that unusual. She knows that Fillius is judging on the duelling circuit, as well as giving classes on charms to up and comers. However, she is expected to be at her Niece's birthday party later this afternoon. After which she has a portkey booked for a conference in Germany about the latest research in fertiliser for magical plants. Making her way over to the Head Masters office, the Gargoyle moves out of the way and she climbs the stairs. As she enters she can see Fawkes on the Head Masters desk pecking at one of the drawers.

"Oh, hello Fawkes, you wouldn't happen to know where Dumbledore or McGonagall are?"

Ptiana looks up from the drawer that she knows contains the sweets, damn her lack of leverage. "Human, open this drawer or I'll... You can't bloody understand me can you. Fine miming it is." She then looks back down and continues to peck and claw at the drawer.

Pomona watches her for a moment, "Oh, is the answer in that drawer. Thank you Fawkes." Moving around the desk she pulls the drawer open to reveal a large paper sack of lemon drops.

"There's nothing there."

Not taking any chances, Ptiana jumps on her wrist and flames her to the egg room by the first adoption egg she was going to try. Jumping off she returns to the office to gorge herself on candied fruit.

Pomona lights the tip of her wand and looks around the room she finds herself in. It's surprisingly large, with some sort of large creature against one wall, a lot of weapons and skulls on another, and maybe two dozen leathery pods dotted around. Unnoticed, the one that she was deposited next to opens up, and a face hugger crawls out. As she swings her wand back to have a look, it jumps and latches onto her face. Stumbling backward, she trips over another egg and her wand goes flying. A minute or two later, the constriction on her throat finally knocks her out.

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Arry looks at Minerva in confusion, "Why do you look so horrified?"

"Tail, claws..."

Arry points at T'o-Ba'sall behind her, "Do you think that T'o-Ba'sall was born with her tail and claws?"

"How would I know?"

Arry stalks out of the room, "T'o-Ba'sall you talk to her, I'm going to brood."

Once in the hall she reverts to her normal form and runs down the hallway. As she enters the laying room her echolocation picks up something breathing when there shouldn't be anything. Making her way through the eggs, she locates the source of the breathing and sees another human with a face hugger around her neck. Letting out a keening noise, she flames to Ptiana, who is pulling yellow things out of a container as fast as she can. Lightning fast, Arry grabs the phoenix in a massive claw and flames out just before Irma Pince, the Librarian, walks into the office to ask why the wards have shifted to her.

Reappearing in her laying chamber, Arry points Ptiana's head at the human on the floor, "Explain!" she commands.

"The plant lady wanted to know where the cat lady and my human were. So when she helped me get at the candied fruit I brought her here."

"You almost killed her is what you did. The egg that she tripped over contains a chest burster. If she'd turned around before this egg opened, she'd have activated that one. I would then have to choose between killing one of my children, or letting her die. If you do that again, or think about bringing anyone to an egg chamber without me present and awake, I will find you and I will kill you every time you recover enough for 60 rest cycles. Do you understand?"

Queen Potter (The Potter Xenomorph Saga: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now