Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas?

Vesta wakes up and, with a shout of joy, tears into the stocking full of presents at the end of her bed. Waking up in a second bed, Murph studies Vesta for a moment then looks at her own small pile of presents. Coming to a decision, she goes in invisible and pops into Bubona and Dennis' room where they're both still blissfully asleep. Though without any presents at the end of their bed. There's a flash of fire in the room, and neither of them stir.

A few minutes later there's another flash of fire and Murph reappears with two bright orange boxes that have had the locks broken. Crudely scratched into the top of the larger box is Mvm, and the second box has DLN. Downstairs a box appears underneath the tree with VLZTA scratched in it. From this box comes the sounds of several things scrabbling inside.

Murph reappears back in the bedroom and tears into her own stack of presents, trying to be careful when her claw goes through the paper like it's not even there. Her tongue sticks out the corner of her mouth as she concentrates.

"Hey Murph, did you get anything good?"

Murph holds up a Harry Potter plushy, "Soft!"

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Bubona wakes up with a yawn and blinks as she registers the lack of weight on her chest from Vesta jumping up and down on them. Blearily she looks around trying to find what woke her up, only to stub her toe for a second time. Grasping blindly for her wand, she casts a light spell and sees the orange box at the end of the bed. With a yawn she levitates it off the other side of the bed and rolls over back to sleep.

It's starting to get light next time she's woken up, this time by Dennis' yelp of pain as he stubs his toe on the box she left on the floor.

"M'ning hon'y, sl'ep well?"

Dennis swears under his breath, "Yes dear, it was surprisingly peaceful until I got up."

"Che'k on t'a child'n."

Bubona drifts back off as the slight weight of the box being put on the bed rocks the bed slightly. The smell of the chamber pot being used, and then cleaned, followed by a cup of tea provided by their house elf.

Now more awake, Bubona calls out, "Thank you Sailly."

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T'o-Ba'sall looks around the ship in despair, as the entire place is spotless, and everything seems to be in perfect repair. Which would be great, except some enterprising elf has decided to clean the lubricant off of all the exposed parts, and now the doors are grinding slightly as they open. With a thought, all of the house elves appear before her with a series of pops or bursts of fire.

"Which one of you thought it would be a good idea to clean up all the lubricant on the doors?"

There's a general shuffling from the assembled elves until one of them puts their hand up, "Ooopsi did it."

T'o-Ba'sall sighs, then catches herself at the human gesture, then sighs again, before throwing a tablet at Ooopsi, "Read that until you understand it. Then you will properly lubricate each and every thing that you cleaned, correctly, and by hand. Do you understand? If you don't, then you will be banned from working for a week."

Ooopsi quails at the threat, "Ooopsi will read and lubricate."

T'o-Ba'sall look at the other elves, who have shied away from her at the threat of withholding work, "This applies to all of you too, if any of you clean something that shouldn't be cleaned you will be banned from working for a week." Her mind thinks back to the Dark Blade Clan, "Though, if you are ever at a loss for work, there is somewhere you can go to clean with no fear of punishment if you clean the wrong thing. Here's my memory of the place."

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