Train Ride

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Train Ride

As they arrive on the platform, it doesn't take long for a crowd to form, made up of a combination of Gawkers, Wizards holding their arms behind their backs, Witches cheering, and students trying to get through the crush, as Arry gets mobbed from a respectful distance by well-wishers. A robust woman, with a monocle, forces her way through the crowd followed by a young girl with, vibrant red hair, and pulling a trunk.

"Headmistress, Miss Potter."

Minerva bristles, "Head Master please, that's two words, not the useless twaddle that other schools have. It's a point of pride that the head of Hogwarts is a Master of their art, and is thus the Head Master amongst the other Masters of their art that teach the various subjects."

"Head Master then, my apologies. I wasn't aware there was a distinction."

"That's all right, the two words were generally combined a few hundred years ago, it's only Hogwarts that continued its usage. May I introduce Miss Hermione Granger, Miss Ne'stbei, and Miss Ce'jaun. Of course you already know the Lady Arry Potter."

The woman raises an eyebrow, "Lady Potter? Where are my manners, I am of course Regent Bones, and this is my niece Heir Susan Bones."

Susan rolls her eyes as Arry and the three girls all look confused.

"Yes. She beat 5 goblin warriors in the Arena with no weapons or wand. They gave her the head of house ring immediately afterwards."

"I see, which also brings me onto the subject I hoped to broach. As no wands were used during the events on Diagon Alley, what you did to Mr Pines, and Lord McNair was technically reasonable self defence. I would appreciate it if you would try to keep the casualties and maiming to a minimum in the future. Miss Ne'stbei and Miss Ce'jaun, if you weren't in risk of your very lives I would currently be forced to arrest you. However, you had just been illegally declared dangerous creatures to be put down, so you are in the clear. In the future, please refrain from using weapons, and either use your wands or your hands to disable your assailants."

Susan doubletakes at her aunts words before looking at the 4 girls more appreciatively. As her aunt turns back to Minerva, and the conversation turns to adult things, Hermione holds out a hand and looks pointedly at the train. Glancing at the crowd, and the increasingly incomprehensible discussion taking place, she makes the decision to take the girls hand. A pop and a brief sensation of spinning later, and they're standing at the far end of the platform, there's another 3 pops and Arry, Ne'stbei, and Ce'jaun appear.

Ne'stbei looks at the young human in amusement as she's looking back down the platform and then back to Hermione confused. Picking up the girls box awkwardly, as no matter how light it is, it's sill half as long as she is tall, she says, "We have never used a conveyance like this. Would you be able to guide us to the place we're supposed to be?"

Susan looks at her, "You have a strange way of speaking. What country do you come from?"

"This would be easier sitting down."

"Oh, right, up these steps and Aunty told me that there's narrow corridors in here so be warned. Would you mind if my friend sits with us? She hadn't got through the crowd when my aunt pushed through."

"Seats would be good Qu...Arry needs to sleep for a few hours. Your friend is welcome."

It doesn't take them long to find an empty compartment that isn't right next to the stairs. This far down the train, most of the compartments seem to be empty. Almost as soon as Arry has arranged her tail comfortably on the seat, she's asleep. With a sigh Hermione puts the picnic basket of food on the overhead rack before taking a seat next to her. "Hi, I'm Hermione, in non-magical culture it is considered normal to introduce yourself by your given name. Our surnames only tend to be used in more formal occasions, or where there could be confusion."

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