Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Theresa cautiously flames into the bathroom of her house before using house elf invisibility to check if Donald has any guests. As she makes her way downstairs she finds Donald asleep in a chair that he's turned to face the front door, surrounded by empty beer cans and takeaway cartons. Lying on his lap is the photo they normally keep on the mantlepiece, and the TV is showing BBC 2 in the background.

Silently she asks, "Can anyone teach me how house elves do that instant cleaning up thing?"

"Nissy will be right over and clean up."

"No! This is my house, I will clean it."

"Is house elfs job to clean."

"It is my house, and my job to clean it."

"Loopy think Tessy should be house elf. Tessy need imagine where rubbish go then click fingers with magic. Then imagine clean things and point at what needs cleaning."

"Thank you Loopy. What are you doing here?"

"Loopy looking for fixing books."

"I'll show you to a bookshop in a few days time."

It takes her several tries, and some guidance from Loopy, and she's still not sure where the first pile of rubbish went, as it wasn't in either of their bins. However, the living room is once again tidy, and the carpet stain free. Once she's finished, she sits on the stairs and watches Donald sleep thinking about how old he looks compared to her memories. That thought leads onto the thought that Ptiana is considered young by phoenix standards, at only 600 years old. Which then leads to thinking about some of the ancestral memories, and just how short her own life appears in comparison to those of the sentient queens. Is it right for her to remain in a relationship with someone so fragile, who she has barely any memories of, from the last 10 years.

As she does, she looks down at her nails, that have grown again while she was away, nails that can scratch glass.

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Narcissa sits disconsolately in the small solar of the Malfoy mansion. Arrayed on the coffee table in front of her are a few bits of jewellery and Lucius's personal effects. Not that they amount to much, as most of what Lucius kept as his are dark artifacts that she's asked Dobby to dispose of as they can't even be covered by the many loopholes available to the noble houses. What's left is an old endless diary with a painting charm applied to it. Useful as a novelty, but something that went out of fashion nearly 100 years ago when an impersonation charm was invented, as the hidden secrets could be revealed to the caster. There's his wand cane, made from ebony and topped with silver. If the delays in being declared Regent of House Malfoy weren't dragging on, she wouldn't even consider selling this as Draco loved it.

At the thought of her son, tears spring into her eyes and she looks over at the life indicator that she commissioned last year using one of his hairs and a couple of drops of the blood they kept in case he was ever kidnapped. The rest of the vial went on a tracking charm to try and find him. That was before Lucius found out that the Lady Potter is politically untouchable and made his regrettable decision at Christmas. Coming to a decision, she picks up the cane and a necklace that her aunt Dorea gave her.


Dobby appears in front of her, looking much happier and healthier than he did before Christmas. Narcissa almost loses her composure again, as he says, "How can Dobby help the Great Mistress."

Catching herself, she says, "Would you get me parchment and quill to write a letter. Once you've done that, everything on the table is to be sold. Use some of the money to buy yourself a new uniform."

Queen Potter (The Potter Xenomorph Saga: Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang