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Once they get their bearings, Pomona hurries out to her office, so that she can write a note to the organisers of the conference, in which she explains, briefly, that something happened which means she will no longer be able to attend, or give her own talk. Unnoticed, one of the xenomorphs follows her, curious about what her new family member is doing.

Meanwhile, Minerva tries to summon a House Elf, which pops in, takes one look at the occupants of the room, and then disappears.


"What can Tilly..."

"Tilly wait!"

The house elf named Tilly stands in place shivering in fear. Minerva crouches down in front of the house elf, "Tilly, do you know me?"

Tilly nods franticly, "You is Miss Kitty."

"Tilly, why are you the only one that came when I called?"

"Tilly is bound to Miss Kitty."

"Tilly, what is stopping the others from coming?"

"House elves not want to be eggs, stay away from serpent hunter."

Arry moves forward curiously before crouching down, "You know of my kind little one?"

Visibly vibrating, Tilly nods mutely.

"Unlike others of my kind, I don't take those that have not tried to harm me or mine, or have done something to deserve a legal bounty. Everyone in this room except you is a member of my hive. Do you understand?"

Tilly nods.

"Is Miss Kitty a serpent hunter?"

Tilly shakes her head.

"Are those two serpent hunters?" Arry points at Krizror and Brugroch.

Tilly looks at them confused, "Tilly does not know."

"They were going to be eggs until I found them. I made them part of my family instead. Do you understand?"

Tilly nods uncertainly, "Queen serpent not make eggs of house elves?"

"As long as they don't attack me or do something bad, I won't."

"Elveses be good. Tilly be good."

"Then you have nothing to worry about. Ptiana excepting, my family also doesn't force people to join. When I brought Ptiana in, I was unaware she could communicate. Minva was brought in out of necessity, and I've had strong words with Ptiana about what happened with Pomona. If you or others want to join my hive, you can just ask. Otherwise we will leave you be."

"What about small Serpent Hunter?"

"They will be good, even if they can be a little unaware of their own strength. Just don't touch the crest on the top of their heads, as it's very sensitive, and they can react without thinking."

"Tilly understands."

"Are you still afraid of us?"

Tilly just nods.

"Do you know why?"

"Serpent Hunters eat House Elves."

"While we prefer meat, we can eat anything, and my hive tries very hard not to eat anything that can beg you to stop. Unless of course we were hunting them for the bounty anyway, as that would be a waste of meat."

A side of beef appearing on the floor of the office shows that the other house elves were paying attention.

After sending the letter off with an owl, unaware that it was her tail that made it hard to find an owl willing to take the letter, Pomona makes her way off the school grounds. From there she apparates to the birthday party. Thinking this is a good game, the xenomorph follows her.

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