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Beth is concerned, she's poked her head in the hall multiple times over the day, and that monstrosity is still there. She heard the whistle for the train not a couple of minutes ago, and nobody else seems to be bothered by it. Minerva even promised that it would be removed that day, but it's still there. With a sigh, she comes down the stairs in her official robes and pokes her head in again. It's still there and she knows that Vector is talking to both the hat, and Minerva, about her role in the up coming feast. Drawing her wand she casts a few diagnostics, and comes up blank. A basic finite does nothing. Grumpily she walks over to it and inspects it more closely, running through a few more standard diagnostics that should show if it's a prank. When all of the spells she can think of come up blank, she pushes the pillar it seems to be resting on. It has a bit of give and seems to be hollow. Heaving it away from the wall, so that she can see how this thing is attached she notices something roll out the end of it. Of course there would be something inside it. With a flick of her wand she rights it and settles it off to one side while she's examining the wall behind the contraption. A moment later, she feels one of the teachers, probably vector, run their fingers up her back.

"One moe, I think I've got it."

They continue up her back and tickle her face, turning her head, she sees a flash of white and then something is forcing itself down her throat. Spinning around with her wand ready to fire a stinging hex at whoever played this prank, she's surprised to see that nobody is there.

Suddenly there's a flash of fire and a young woman with red hair, claws, and a tail, appears and looks at her face then down at the thing that rolled out.

"Hi, I'm Arry. Sorry about the face hugger, I didn't realise I'd laid that egg. Could you move back a tad, I need to get this back to my laying room, and I don't want to accidentally squash you when I change."

Beth puts her hands on her hips and just looks at the young woman, before looking cross-eyed at the thing on her face.

"Oh, don't worry, it will come off on its own in an hour or so. Welcome to the family."

Beth stumbles back in surprise as the young woman turns into a 15 foot tall animal with no eyes, a vicious smile, and lethal looking claws on all four limbs. It then jumps up to the top of the thing and settles into it like some sort of saddle, and the whole thing comes to life. A flash of fire and she's left alone in the great hall with something wrapped around her face for the next hour or so. Just as she's about to leave to find Madam Pomphrey, to see if she can do anything to speed it up, the first carriage load of students arrives. Glumly she takes her seat at the table and keeps an eye on the students. Pomona is the next to arrive and she takes one look at her before placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry that you're going through this. At least you didn't panic. Let me guess you thought it was a prank?"

Beth nods.

"You may want to think of it as a gift, and remind yourself of that fact repeatedly over the next few weeks."

Beth's eyes widen as Pomona gouges a rune into her plate with her finger.

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Susan's eyes widen as Arry reappears in their boat while they're still on the water, "How did you do that?"

Arry looks confused, "Do what?"

"Appear on the boat?"

"Erm, I just found Hermione and appeared next to her. Oh, and the hall's now cleared, one of my eggs got stuck in the ovipositor and one of the professors found it."

Queen Potter (The Potter Xenomorph Saga: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now