Bored meetings

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Bored meetings

Minerva looks up as Brugroch and Kirzror come charging into her office carrying an acromantula, a small one, but it's still a 5x beast. Drawing her wand just in case she says, "What can I do for you 2, 3?" she corrects herself when the young xenomorph comes in after them.

"Arry always says that anything that attacks us without us doing anything to it can be eaten. But she also says that we shouldn't eat anything that begs for its life. This did both, so we decided to come and see you to see if we are allowed to eat it or not."

"I think it's dead already."

"Oh great, that means it's fair game."

"Wait, where did it attack you?"

"In the forest, we were exploring."

Minerva melts down into her new animagus form, "Would you show me where you found it?"

As she races out of the school with the others, Minerva reflects that she probably wouldn't be handling her changes so well, if she didn't have her animagus form to run around in. As it was with the cat, things are so much simpler as a Xenomorph.

Like Xenomorphs, acromantula are creatures that gain intelligence with age rather than birth-right. This means that unless they've been acclimated to humans from birth, they don't differentiate between them and any other animal. At the moment, she needs the stress relief of acceptable targets. Especially given her meeting with the school board this afternoon. The school's budget is a shambles, and the accounts haven't been kept properly for years. There's money in the vaults, but it would take a team of goblins to go through everything. Or one of those computers Arry has.

The landscape turns from a flat plain to a playground of places to jump to and from in her senses as the children lead her deeper into the forest. Not so deep she's in centaur territory, but deep enough that casual visitors, like students, are unlikely to notice. She can already sense the gossamer thin threads of silk running from tree to tree, and the local wildlife has all but disappeared. With only the distressed call of the occasional bird that's got caught in a web to be heard.

"Thank you children, you should go and enjoy your meal. I'm sure that Arry will agree with me later when I say that you can treat these like a rival hive."

As the children run off with their dinner, Minerva looks ahead, her senses already tracking all the movement around her. Melting into the shadows, she quickly starts to hunt the apex predator of the forest. As she moves through the swarm, she hunts larger and larger prey until her frustrations have all been worked out. Each of her kills are taken back to her hive to feed the guardians there. The sun is high in the sky when she trots out of the forest with her own meal and takes it up to the Head Masters office to gorge on it.

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Magorian looks at Firenze, "Sagittarius has moved."

"Indeed. Mars is still bright."

"Two foals will survive that previously wouldn't have."

"Many humans will die because of it."

"They have their fair chance, unlike our foals."

"To go against the stars is folly."

"For us, that is true."

"This is true."

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Minerva walks confidently through the Ministry, the hunt earlier was just what she needed. She licks her lips at the remembered taste of Acromantula. As she walks into the meeting room, she sees Lucius Malfoy seated at the head of the table.

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