Bah Humbug

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Bah Humbug

Tremulously, Bubona approaches Murph. Since she's started changing into a person, it's been much harder to see her as an animal. "Murph, I have a dress here for you. Would you like to go shopping with Vesta and myself for more appropriate clothing for a young witch?"

Murph looks at Vesta who smiles and nods, then looks back to Bubona, "Yes, want." Murph then disappears with a pop, before reappearing a moment later holding a leather bag in her hand. She then holds the bag out to Bubona, who takes it and looks inside to see the glittering surface of Galleons. There must be a weeks wages in there.

"Where did you get this?"

"Arry." – Murph points at Vesta – "Want."

"Ok. Vesta, will you help me get Murph into a dress?"

"Yes Mum, this will be so much fun Murph."


After much struggling, an accidentally ripped seam that was caught on a claw, and an epic argument over underwear. Murph is finally dressed, and Bubona takes both of them to the Farmers Market on the Knight Bus. During the journey, Murph changes back into her natural form in order to get a better grip. Fortunately for Bubona's sanity, her clothes come back when she changes back. To the sound of a muttered, "Familiars get weird and weirder every year." the three of the disembark.

Once they enter the market, Murph sniffs and starts to drawl, "Want snack, want snack."

Bubona flicks out her wand to cast a reins spell on Murph, but she's just too late, as Murph runs off towards the smell. Vesta obviously following as well. Despite herself, Bubona starts to smile as Murph trips over again and again. First it's her tail, then it's her feet, then she stands on her dress. It allows her to catch up and put the reins spell on both children, followed by a quick scourgify to clean Murph off. She then takes them to the snack stall.

"Hello Bubona, here for your weekly shop already?"

"Good afternoon Jim. No, clothes shopping for this one."

"I didn't know you had another kid."

"I don't, she made friends with Vesta at her birthday party, and I've ended up her permanent babysitter."

"I'm surprised you let a kid with such obvious features in the house."

Bubona is about to respond, when she realises that she no longer knows how to explain it without also denigrating her own daughter. "Hmm, can we have two locust sprinkles please?"

"Sure. Honey?"

Vesta bounces, "Yay." And Murph copies her.

"I think that's a yes."

Once the two of them have their sticks, Murph tries to stick the whole thing in her mouth, and Vesta laughs, "No silly, like this."

With the two of them munching happily, Bubona is able to steer them around the seamstresses in the market and see the styles that catch Murph's eyes the most. Wistfully she looks back at the days when Vesta would chatter happily and exhaust herself enough to make standing still for being measured easy. Just think, that was only a month or so ago, since she learnt to transform, she seems to have endless energy.

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"Master, they have declared a room on the third floor off limits to those who do not wish to die a painful death."

"I know you imbecile, I was there when Snape told you."

"What are we going to do?"

"We obviously aren't being invited to participate in the defences. Which is a genius move if she suspects us, or incomprehensible if she doesn't. Either way, I want you to place these enchantments in the corridor."

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