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There are many things I can be doing other than what I'm doing now. Like, I can be having actual fun by hanging out with my friends or something.

And not be at my annoying and weird little brother's soccer game.

Instead of watching little boys kick a ball around or have absolutely no idea what they're doing, I'm just sitting on the lawn chair texting my friends. At least I have some connection to the outside world. It's not even interesting to watch the game, the boys aren't even good at it. They need a lot of practice.

Maybe not just practice can help them. Hell, they need a miracle.

"Go, Manny, go! Kick it! Kick it! Don't let him - KICK IT!" My mother, Gloria, cheers. Well, yells, mostly. I think our home country that's Colombia can hear her from here. She is half talking in Spanish and English. 

I look up at her as if she lost her mind. Don't get me wrong, I love how supportive she is of me and Manny. But when she does her 'cheering' she can come off as being crazy.

"He tripped him! Where's the penalty?!" Mom angrily demands, turning to her husband, Jay Pritchett.

He's a rich old guy who is the owner of his own closet company. He's been married to my mother for six months. Before, Mom got a divorce to my Dad and it's been hard for me and Manny to cope. Mostly, me since I'm the oldest and can understand the great deal of a divorce. Even one of my best friend's parents got a divorce. 

I haven't been a fan of Jay. I'm trying to get along with him, but I can't get over the fact that he's dating someone much younger than himself. I think that's so gross, and he should date and marry a woman his own age. I thought he married my mother just for her good looks. I have no idea what Mom is thinking at times. 

But they seem to really love each other, I guess...

If I would do the same thing by dating an older guy who's Jay's age, she'd totally flip. 

I know my father isn't the perfect husband or parent, but I'd rather have him back than Jay. 

"Gloria, they're oh and six. Let's take it down a notch." Jay settles her down. Tries to, but he'll never win. 

It's impossible to calm down a Colombian woman when she gets all fired up.

Mom keeps on cheering for Manny while I'm acting busy on my phone. Now, I'm just playing silly games to keep me entertained.

Ugh! I wish I can be anywhere, but here right now.

Watching paint dry is more fun than this.

But when I look up to see if there's anything happening, Manny gets distracted by a cute girl riding her bike and he waved at her. Meanwhile, his distraction causes the other team to score because he fails to block the ball.

That's hilarious. 

Oh, typical Manny...

But at least he makes me laugh.

"Be more supportive of your brother, Vanessa." Jay reprimands me as if he's my father.

Which he totally is not. I hate that he acts and thinks like he is.

I just glare him a look in return. "Why don't you marry someone your own age?" Ignoring his look at me, I return to my phone to play the game.

That gets him speechless and maybe even hurt. Good.

"C'mon, coach, you gotta take that kid out!" A blonde, white soccer Mom complains.

"You wanna take him out?! How about I take you out?!" Mom argues with her.

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