Me? Jealous?

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I swear, I'm going to kill that Haley for making me do this!

She thought it was a good idea for her to join the big sister organization. And then she had to drag me into it as well because she didn't want to do it alone. She did manage to persuade me that it'll look good on our college application, so I just went ahead and go for it.


Haley is going to get a 'little sister' and I'm going to get a 'little brother'. I really hope he won't be an annoying brat.

My mother likes that I'm doing this and thought it'd be good for me. I have no say to back out of this now because she won't let me.

"Hey, Dad?" Mitchell calls for him with a book in his hand. Jay and I are sitting at the dining table. "Did you accidentally leave this hilarious book of lawyer jokes in the guest room?"

"I'll tell you if you can answer the following question," Jay says. "What's the difference between a catfish and a lawyer?"

"I don't know. What?" 

"Well, one's a bottom-feeding mud-dweller." Jay smiles at his corny lame joke.

"Zing!" Mitch points at Jay and then at his own nose, grinning. But I don't think he found it very funny. The joke did sound offensive. "Honk!"

"Okay, everyone, dinner is served!" Cameron announces, bringing in the plate of food.

Cam and Mitch are going to stay with us for a few days because their house is being fumigated. Cam is actually very fun to have around. After dinner, we had a movie night and watched a movie that's about two people named Fred and Ginger. My first time ever watching them.

The next morning, Cam makes us breakfast, and it's been a nice change that someone else is cooking dinner. His food is actually really good. 

"Biscuits and gravy?" Jay asks while he, Manny, and I eat.

"Yep, my grandma Bitsy's secret recipe, given to her by her housekeeper Delilah, who raised her and was her best friend - kind of like 'The Help', except Delilah was white, and was actually herself quite the racist. Eat up." Cam says.

Well, that's quite a background story.

"Good morning!" Mom greets us, smiling.

"Hi, Mom." Manny and I greet her.

"Hi, sweetheart." Jay says.

"Ah, where did those come from?" Mom asks, noticing the flowers that Cam put out. I've been curious about that.

"I thought amaryllis were out of season." Of course, that's something Manny knows.

"Oh, I got a guy. You know, I just thought they'd brighten up the house a little bit." Cam answers to her.

"Oh, that was so thoughtful of you." Mom says, but I know she doesn't like it that someone else decides to decorate her house.

"There she is!" Cam says happily to his daughter as she runs past him and straight to my mother's arms.

"Gloria! Gloria!" Lily excitedly calls for her and gets scooped up in her arms.

"Ay! Let me fix your hair!" Mom sets her down on the counter so she can do Lily's hair.

Lily has been the best little sister like I've always wanted since she's been here. She's so sweet and I just love the sass. But she only wants my mother to do her hair and not me. Lily believes that she can do her hair better than me; says that I comb her hair too hard and now I got the poor girl traumatized whenever I hold a comb in my hand. Oops.

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