Coal Digger

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Mom, Manny, and I are sitting at the breakfast table. Manny and I are drinking coffee.

"Let's go, kids. School time," Jay says, dressed for work, entering the kitchen. "And, Gloria, if you want to get together with the girls later I can just watch the football game or something."

"That means he wants to watch the football game." Manny clarifies and I nod.

"I'm not talking to you. And why are you two drinking coffee all the time?" Jay asks us.

"It's our culture. We're Colombians." He answers.

"Oh, yeah?" Jay says replies sarcastically. "Where in Colombia do they grow those french toaster sticks and waffles?" Those are the usual things that Manny and I like to eat for breakfast. And it's not exactly Colombian dishes.

"You can't watch the game. The whole family's coming over for barbecue." Mom reminds him.

"That's today?" Jay asks, being shocked.

"Sí." Manny answers. 

"It's the Ohio State game." Jay argues.

"So? Everyone can watch." Mom brush it off.

"I don't like watching the game with people who don't know the game. People talk."

I roll my eyes. "It's just grown men playing with a ball on a field. Not that complicated to know the game."

"You talk at my football games." Manny points out.

"Yeah, anyway."

"First of all, it's called soccer. And your team's scored two goals all season. I'm not taking a big risk."

Jay has a travel coffee mug and lifts the coffee pot. It's empty. He turns to me and Manny.

"How much of this did you two drink?" He asks us.

"Give me a break, I have to climb a rope today." Manny replies.

He looks at me. "Your excuse?"

"I thought I can use extra boost." 

•          •          •

I close my locker door and turn around to lean against it with a sigh.

"How many days of school are left?" I groan.

"I don't know. A lot," Haley answers. Our lockers are next to each other's. "I know I totally failed that test today."

"I'd be surprised if I passed it with flying colors," I say. "Don't forget that you guys are going to come over tonight at the house for the barbecue."

"Ugh, yeah, I know," She rolls her eyes. "I'd rather be anywhere, but there."

"I know, right?" I nod in agreement. 

Then, two of my friends approaches me.

"Hey, are any of you guys free tonight?" I ask either of them.

"I'm unavailable," Delaney says and then rolls her eyes. "I have to babysit my little brother tonight while my parents go out."  

"That sucks." I comment.

"I don't think I'm doing anything," Scarlett also answers. "Why?"

"My family is having a barbecue thing tonight." I mutter, not looking forward to it.

"I just want to have one sane person there for company or else I'll probably lose my mind. If you're free, can you come to my house?" I ask hopefully.

"Yeah, if my parents let me, that is." 

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