Game Changer

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Author's Note

I skipped the "Starry Night" episode btw. 🙂

Today is not only Phil's birthday, but Will's too. He's turning seventeen. His birthday party is today, but Phil's party is also today too. I'm hoping that I can just spend a little time at Phil's party and then go to Will's. I really, really don't want to miss it.

"Mom?" I ask to get her attention.

She's sitting at the table with Manny to help him on his homework.

"Yes, chica?" Mom looks at me. 

"I know Phil's birthday party is today, but Will also has a birthday party today, and I'm wondering if-"

"No." Mom strictly forbids it, making me stunned.

"I-I-y-you-you didn't even let me ask the question!" I complain.

"Family first, Vanessa, then boys," Mom says and I groan at being annoyed. "Your life shouldn't always revolve around your boyfriend."

I totally get that and respect it, but I rather go to Will's birthday party. Phil is a nice guy and everything, but he's also weird.

That must be where Luke gets it from.

"Please, Mom?" I start to beg when I get desperate. "I cannot not show up at my own boyfriend's birthday party! He'll be so disappointed! What if I just drop by at Phil's for a little bit and then go to-"

"No, Vanessa." She interrupts again in a stern voice.

"Ugh!" I groan again in frustration this time.

Great. Now, I'm going to be in a miserable mood for the rest of the day.

Mom and Manny continue their little spelling thing that I just ignore. Then Jay comes in holding something and sets the box on the table.

"Wait until you see what I got Phil for his birthday. I found it on the SkyMall catalog." He announces excitedly.

"Ay, it's not one of those talking alarm clocks?" Mom asks, making a face. "'It's 6:05. It's 6:25. Wake up. Wake up.'" She mocks the clock's voice.

"Even better. A rosewood chess set," Mom and Manny happily look at each other. I give Jay mischievous look knowing that I can beat him in the game. "As matter of fact, before I wrap this thing, what say we take it for a spin? Come on, Manny, Vanessa. I'll teach the both of you." 

"They know how to play. Their father taught them." Mom informs.

It's true. He may not be the world's greatest father, but at least he taught something. Like how to play chess.

"I'm gonna teach them real chess, not the Colombian version," Jay says, making me roll my eyes. "We actually use the pieces to play the game, not smuggle stuff out of the country."

"Uh, I know one Colombian piece you won't be playing with later." Mom retorts.

"Ew..." I muter, getting grossed out by what she means.

"Manny, Vanessa, come on. Let's see what you got." Jay says as he's setting the chess board up.

"You'll be surprised," Then Mom grabs me and Manny by our shirts to whisper. "Déjalo ganar."

Manny and I incredulously stare at her that she wants us to do that.

"No lo delare ganar!" I refuse.

"Vanessa!" She angrily hisses at me. Then looks like she's considering about something. "Si lo dejas ganar, puedes ir a la fiesta de Will."

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