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Today is Halloween. 

One of my favorite holidays because of getting dressed up in a costume and going to parties. There's even a party that I plan on going to, but I have to participate in Claire's haunted house thing that she's doing. Which is fine, I guess. It's mostly for the trick or treaters. I used to do that when I was younger, but now, the parties are much more fun to go to.

As for what my costume will be, I thought about being that hot pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean. No, I don't mind Captain Sparrow who's played by Johnny Depp. I mean the other hot pirate who's Keira Knightley. I'm going to dress up as Elizabeth Swann. Will and I watched those movies together and I really liked them. I just thought Elizabeth was always such a badass female character; they're the type of women I'm drawn to the most.

Just being strong and hot at the same time.

Is there anything wrong with me?

The phone started to ring and Jay answers it. We're sitting at the kitchen island together as I'm sipping on an espresso. Listening to the conversation, it sounds like Jay is talking to Claire about what's happening tonight.

"Calm down, Morticia, I'm just teasing you. We'll be there," Jay says then listens to her speak more. "I didn't even know who that guy was. Haley turned my hat around and Vanessa told me to say it. I thought he was a dog detective. Listen, don't worry, we got the whole thing worked out. Bye bye."

"Were you talking about the time when Haley and I told you to be Snoop Dogg?" I laugh at the memory of last year's Halloween.

"Yeah," He mutters in response, still not liking that. "Do you have any idea what you're going to be?"

"Hmmm, well, I thought about being Lady Gaga in her meat dress-" I joke, but Jay instantly forbids it.

"No!" He exclaims. 

"Oh, relax," I roll my eyes with an amused smile at his reaction. "I'm only joking. I'm going to be Elizabeth Swann."

"She's that mopey, tired girl from the vampire movies, right?" He wondered.

"No, that's Bella Swan from Twilight. Elizabeth Swann is the pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean." 

"Ah, got it." He nods.

"What are you and Mom going to be?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know. I'll have to talk to her," Jay calls my mother as I take another sip of my espresso. "Where are you?" He asks her. "Drop out. You mean, that Eddie kid? Yeah, he's a moron," I give him a look for calling a kid a moron. "Listen, did you ever do anything about costumes for Claire's thing tonight?" I think I heard Mom talking once about her being an evil village bruja and Jay will be a gargoyle. "I know less now than I did before I asked...As long as you got it covered because if Claire doesn't get her Halloween, she will be a real rhymes with bruja." Then Jay ends the conversation and hangs up on her.

"Ain't that the truth?" I ask, thinking about Claire's obsession with Halloween. I mean, I do like Halloween as much as the next person does, but I am definitely not that obsessed about it like Claire is.

Later, Scarlett arrives at my place because she needs a piece of clothing to borrow for her costume. She doesn't like to ask Briana for clothes because Briana doesn't like anyone borrowing them or won't give it back...or would misplace them somewhere. Like I did by accident. I can't find her top that I borrowed, so she banned me, Scarlett, and Delaney from using her clothes. But mostly me. Delaney doesn't wear anything girly, her style is mostly gothic and grunge.

Our friends are going to go to a party later on tonight and I think Haley is going to the same one. Scarlett and I are looking through my closet and drawers for her outfit.

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